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发布时间:2018-04-22 20:38

  本文选题:学科结构 + 高等教育 ; 参考:《河南理工大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous progress of society and the rapid development of economic level, the scale of higher education has been greatly improved, and the continuous development of the discipline structure of colleges and universities, for the progress of science and technology, The level of social productivity has played an important role in ensuring talent. Therefore, further optimizing the discipline structure of undergraduate colleges and universities in Henan Province is an important way to promote the upgrading of Henan's industrial structure, promote the social and economic development, and meet the diversified demands of talent structure. The task of optimizing the subject structure of undergraduate colleges and universities in Henan Province lies in the analysis of the present situation of discipline and specialty development and the examination of the existing problems at the present stage. This paper summarizes the present situation of the discipline structure of the undergraduate colleges and universities in Henan Province, and completes the scale of the subject structure by combining the data statistics and analysis of the subject category distribution, the undergraduate specialty distribution, the students' situation and the distribution of the key subjects in the undergraduate colleges and universities in Henan Province. This paper analyzes the distribution of discipline and specialty, the regional distribution of colleges and universities, the quality of discipline and the situation of students in each subject, and studies the development of discipline structure of undergraduate colleges and universities in Henan Province at present. Based on the logical structure of knowledge development, the demand of social and economic development and the need of talent structure development, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the present discipline structure. This paper has completed the examination of the degree of subject and specialty repetition, the reasonable distribution of discipline and specialty, the quality level of discipline and specialty, and the degree of conformity between subject setting and industrial structure in Henan Province, and analyzed the causes of the problems presented. From the analysis results, we can see that the problems arising from the current discipline structure are caused by external and internal factors such as policy, economy, society, and the orientation of running a university, the tradition of running a school, and the goal of talent training. It is concluded that the optimization of the discipline structure of undergraduate colleges and universities in Henan Province should follow the principle of the inherent law of the development of the discipline structure, the principle of adapting the discipline structure to the development of science and technology and the development of the industrial structure. Highlight the advantages and characteristics of discipline construction and the development of new cross-disciplinary principles. From perfecting the subject evaluation system of undergraduate colleges and universities, setting up an early warning mechanism for graduates' employment, focusing on developing new interdisciplinary disciplines, establishing a government-guided and autonomous professional adjustment mechanism, encouraging the local authorities to develop characteristic disciplines in combination with superior resources, Speed up the pace of discipline classification development and other aspects to optimize. It provides a theoretical basis for the future adjustment of talent structure in Henan Province. Finally, the paper summarizes the whole text and looks forward to the future development direction of the discipline structure of undergraduate colleges and universities in Henan Province.


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