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发布时间:2018-04-25 10:50

  本文选题:高校 + 去行政化 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校去行政化问题一直是大众所关注的热点话题之一。高校究竟该向学术权力倾斜还是偏重行政权力?教育工作如何才能走出“象牙塔”,成为现代社会的“轴心机构”?我国高校现如今的管理方式与政治、经济、文化和社会的告诉发展之间的矛盾已日益凸显,高校的管理方式应转变为更加灵活、多元化的方式来适应不断变化的环境。高校去行政化已经成为教育管理工作和从事教育工作者共同面临的亟待解决的问题。如何使高等教育院校拥有更大的自主权,彻底的实现“行政权力”服务于“学术权力”,这样才能促进高校本身的可持续发展。 现代大学制度的合理构建,高校去行政化是进行高等教育体制改革开始的第一步。在推行高校去行政化的过程中,应该切合实际,逐步进行。科学预测改革困境,加强改革的前期准备工作。尽力统筹国家发展大局,促进改革的平稳实施。合理规划改革的各阶段,稳健推进各阶段的贯彻。确保改革的实施效果,开展部分试错试点。实施高校去行政化的改革后,高校将以新的管理方式来支持高水平的学术科研项目,自身的管理方式也将变得更加科学化和民主化而得以持续良性的发展。
[Abstract]:De-administration of colleges and universities has always been one of the hot topics concerned by the public. Should colleges and universities incline to academic power or pay more attention to administrative power? How can education work go out of the "ivory tower" and become the "axis organization" of modern society? The contradiction between the management mode and the political, economic, cultural and social development of colleges and universities in our country has become increasingly prominent. The management mode of colleges and universities should be changed into a more flexible and diversified way to adapt to the changing environment. De-administration of colleges and universities has become an urgent problem for educational management and educators. How to make colleges and universities have greater autonomy and realize "administrative power" to serve "academic power" thoroughly, so as to promote the sustainable development of colleges and universities themselves. The rational construction of modern university system and the deadministration of higher education are the first steps to reform the higher education system. In the course of carrying out the deadministration of colleges and universities, it should be carried out in accordance with reality and step by step. Scientific prediction of reform dilemma, strengthening the early preparation for reform. We will make every effort to coordinate the overall situation of national development and promote the smooth implementation of reform. Rational planning of the various stages of reform, steadily promote the implementation of each stage. To ensure the implementation of the reform, the pilot trial and error. After carrying out the reform of deadministration, colleges and universities will support high-level academic research projects with new management methods, and their own management methods will become more scientific and democratic and will continue to develop benign.


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