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发布时间:2018-04-26 04:35

  本文选题:大学生 + 家庭责任 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Marriage is the foundation of building a family, the family is the cell of the society. Only under the joint efforts of the family members can we build a warm and harmonious family. With the progress of the times, the change of the social environment profoundly affects the college students' understanding of family and family responsibilities, and the lack of the education of family responsibility consciousness in all aspects of the school and the society causes the great loss of the family responsibility consciousness. There are many problems in the sense of family responsibility of the students, especially in the "post-80s, after 90s" one child college students' individual exposure problem is more worrying. This study has discussed the related theories about the education of family responsibility consciousness of college students, and the current situation of the family responsibility consciousness of College students by using the questionnaire. On the basis of the analysis, it is found that the sense of family responsibility of college students has a reduction in emotional communication with their parents from home and outside the family, spending money on their parents' hard money, the sharing of housework is not positive, the gnawing consciousness still remains, the understanding of love is not related to marriage, the consequences of premarital cohabitation are ignored, and the relationship of marriage is easy to be hasty. It is decided that the future establishment of a small family will alienate the parents and take into account the responsibility and obligation of the parents, and analyzes the causes of the problems caused by the family, the social and the school environment. Finally, the family, the good family rules, the building and the good family atmosphere are formed, and the parents take the family responsibility to bear the family responsibility. The parents can communicate with their children and strengthen their correct family responsibility view. In school education, the education of family responsibility consciousness is brought into the school moral education, and the students' sense of family responsibility is formed through the innovative education form; the education of family responsibility is integrated into the construction of campus culture. With the positive guidance of the mass media, setting up a correct family moral concept, protecting the rights and interests of women and children through relevant laws to sanction domestic violence, giving play to the regulatory role of community and other organizations, creating a harmonious community of civilization and other concrete solutions to carry out the consciousness education of College students' family responsibility and responsibility, help the students to grow up better and become talented. We should promote college students' conscientious and conscientious commitment to family responsibilities, lay a good foundation for their future work and life, and further promote family harmony and social harmony.



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