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发布时间:2018-04-26 06:19

  本文选题:新疆高校 + 马克思主义 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:国家观是一个国家和民族赖以生存与发展的精神支柱,它作为重要的政治原则、基本的道德规范和人生价值取向,是国民教育不可或缺的内容。当代大学生是21世纪中国特色社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,在他们的肩上担负着实现中华民族伟大复兴“中国梦”的历史重任。一个国家能否在21世纪全球化的竞争中立于不败之地,直接取决于当代大学生的素质,特别是作为新疆高校的大学生责任更是重大。新疆自古以来就是一个多民族多宗教的地区,民族分裂主义和非法宗教活动是影响新疆稳定的主要危险。在当前西方敌对势力把和平演变的矛头指向我国,加紧对我实行“分化”、“西化”战略的国际大背景下,境内外的民族分裂势力相互勾结,破坏活动越来越猖狂。高校是培养社会主义事业接班人的重要场所,而新疆高校的主体——在校大学生又是民族分裂分子和一切敌对势力与我们争夺的对象。在校大学生既是当下社会稳定的重要因素,又是未来社会主义事业的希望和推动民族地区经济、政治、文化发展的骨干力量。因此,我们必须站在维护社会稳定和国家民族统一的高度来审视对新疆高校大学生进行马克思主义国家观教育的重要性和紧迫性。 本论文共分为四大部分,第一部分是对马克思主义国家观的理论梳理,主要包括国家观和国家观教育、马克思主义国家观及其教育的含义及发展历程,新疆高校马克思主义国家观教育的历史沿革,以及新疆高校进行马克思主义国家观教育的重要意义。 第二部分主要是分析目前新疆高校马克思主义国家观教育的现状。这部分通过调查问卷的形式,了解了新疆高校马克思主义国家观教育的现状,总结出新疆高校马克思主义国家观教育取得的成就以及存在的问题。 第三部分是对新疆高校马克思主义国家观教育存在问题的原因分析。这一部分是在第二部分新疆高校马克思主义国家观教育存在问题的基础之上,从多方面对其进行原因分析。 第四部分主要是针对新疆高校马克思主义国家观教育存在的问题提出加强新疆高校马克思主义国家观教育应坚持的原则和采取的具体措施。 期望本论文的写作能从一个侧面反映出新疆高校马克思主义国家观教育的真实情况,,并为加强大学生的国家观教育提供一定的借鉴和参考。
[Abstract]:As an important political principle, basic moral standard and life value orientation, the concept of state is the spiritual pillar on which a nation and a nation depend for survival and development. It is an indispensable part of national education. Contemporary college students are the constructors and successors of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics in the 21st century, and bear the historical responsibility of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation "Chinese Dream" on their shoulders. Whether a country can stand in an invincible position in the competition of globalization in the 21st century depends directly on the quality of contemporary college students, especially on the responsibility of college students in Xinjiang. Xinjiang has been a multi-ethnic and multireligious region since ancient times, and ethnic separatism and illegal religious activities are the main dangers affecting the stability of Xinjiang. Under the international background that the hostile forces in the West are pointing at our country for peaceful evolution and stepping up the strategy of "differentiation" and "westernization", the national splittist forces at home and abroad collude with each other, and sabotage activities become more and more rampant. Colleges and universities are an important place to train successors of socialist cause, and the main body of Xinjiang's colleges and universities-college students are the objects of national splittist elements and all hostile forces competing with us. College students are not only an important factor of social stability, but also the hope of socialist cause in the future and the backbone of economic, political and cultural development in ethnic areas. Therefore, we must examine the importance and urgency of the education of Marxist view of state for college students in Xinjiang from the perspective of maintaining social stability and national unity. This thesis is divided into four parts. The first part is the theoretical analysis of Marxist state view, including the state view and education, the meaning of Marxist state view and its education, and the course of its development. The historical evolution of Marxist state view education in Xinjiang colleges and universities, and the important significance of carrying out Marxist state view education in Xinjiang colleges and universities. The second part is to analyze the current situation of Marxism education in Xinjiang colleges and universities. This part through the questionnaire form, has understood the Xinjiang university Marxism national view education present situation, summarized the Xinjiang university Marxism state view education achievement and the existence question. The third part is the analysis of the causes of the problems in the education of Marxist state view in Xinjiang colleges and universities. This part is based on the problems in the education of Marxist state view in Xinjiang colleges and universities, and analyzes its causes from many aspects. In the fourth part, the author puts forward the principles and concrete measures to strengthen the education of Marxist state view in Xinjiang colleges and universities in view of the problems existing in the education of Marxist state view in universities and colleges in Xinjiang. It is hoped that the writing of this thesis can reflect the true situation of Marxist national view education in Xinjiang colleges and universities, and provide some reference for strengthening the education of state view of college students.


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