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发布时间:2018-04-29 08:04

  本文选题:大学生 + 完美主义 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:完美主义是一种个体努力追求完善地完成任务的人格特质,在中学生和大学生群体中是普遍存在的心理现象。完美主义早已是国外心理学界研究的热点,但国内的研究才刚刚起步。以往研究表明,完美主义与自我和谐显著相关,亦是抑郁的易感因子,而且自我和谐能够较好预测抑郁,由此可推断完美主义、自我和谐和抑郁三者间存在某种关系。然而,以往研究中几乎没有系统探讨完美主义、自我和谐和抑郁三者之间的关系。因此,探究大学生完美主义、自我和谐和抑郁三者之间的关系对改善大学生抑郁情绪具有一定的理论依据。 研究主要分成三部分:首先,运用访谈法、文献检索法和问卷调查法梳理大学生完美主义结构,编制《大学生完美主义预测问卷》,,通过因素分析考察与检验问卷的结构;其次,采用自编问卷进行施测,运用描述性统计、平均数差异检验、多元方差分析等统计方法对大学生完美主义水平与特点进行考察;最后,采用自编大学生完美主义问卷、自我和谐量表(SCCS)和流调中心抑郁量表(CES-D)对800名在校大学生进行测量,运用相关分析、回归分析和路径分析等统计方法探究大学生完美主义、自我和谐和抑郁三者之间的关系。研究的主要结论如下: (1)自编大学生完美主义问卷具有较好信、效度,包含五个维度,分别是在意错误、高标准、与人比较、整洁与秩序、过于细致与谨慎。 (2)大学生完美主义总分及其各维度在性别、专业、奖学金等级和母亲文化程度上存在显著差异,在年级、生源地、父亲文化程度和是否独生子女上不存在显著的差异。 (3)经回归分析发现,整洁与秩序对自我和谐、抑郁具有负向预测作用,在意错误对自我和谐、抑郁具有正向预测作用。 (4)大学生自我和谐及其各维度与抑郁有显著相关,经回归分析,发现自我与经验的不和谐对抑郁有正向预测作用,自我灵活性对抑郁有负向预测作用。 (5)大学生完美主义、自我和谐和抑郁关系的路径分析结果表明,自我灵活性是整洁与秩序影响抑郁的中介变量,自我与经验的不和谐是在意错误影响抑郁的中介变量。
[Abstract]:Perfectionism is a kind of personality characteristic of individual striving to complete the task perfectly. It is a common psychological phenomenon in the group of middle school students and college students. Perfectionism has long been the focus of foreign psychological research, but domestic research has just started. Previous studies have shown that perfectionism is significantly related to self-harmony and is also a predisposing factor to depression, and self-harmony can better predict depression, which can infer that there is a certain relationship among perfectionism, self-harmony and depression. However, few previous studies have systematically explored the relationship between perfectionism, self-harmony and depression. Therefore, exploring the relationship among perfectionism, self-harmony and depression has certain theoretical basis for improving the depression of college students. The research is divided into three parts: first, combing the structure of university students' perfectionism by means of interview, literature retrieval and questionnaire survey, compiling the "college student perfectionism prediction questionnaire", examining and examining the structure of the questionnaire through factor analysis; secondly, Using self-made questionnaire to test, using descriptive statistics, average difference test, multiple variance analysis and other statistical methods to investigate the level and characteristics of college students perfectionism. Eight hundred college students were measured by SCCSS and CES-D. correlation analysis, regression analysis and path analysis were used to explore the relationship among perfectionism, self-harmony and depression. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1) the self-designed questionnaire of perfectionism of college students has good reliability, validity, and contains five dimensions, which are concerned with mistakes, high standards, comparing with people, neatness and order, being too careful and careful. 2) there were significant differences in the total score of perfectionism and its dimensions in sex, specialty, scholarship grade and mother's education level, but there was no significant difference in grade, student origin, father's education level and whether the only child was the only child. 3) through regression analysis, it was found that neatness and order had a negative predictive effect on self, depression had a positive predictive effect on self harmony and depression. 4) Self-harmony and its dimensions were significantly correlated with depression. Regression analysis showed that the disharmony between self and experience had a positive predictive effect on depression, and self-flexibility had a negative predictive effect on depression. 5) the path analysis of the relationship between perfectionism, self-harmony and depression of college students shows that self-flexibility is the intermediate variable of neatness and order affecting depression, and the disharmony between self and experience is the intermediate variable that cares about the influence of error on depression.


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