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发布时间:2018-04-30 07:53

  本文选题:人文关怀 + 人文精神 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学新生是高校大学生中的特定群体,正处于从不成熟向成熟的过渡时期,面对日趋激烈的社会竞争,他们在学习、生活、发展成才等方面面临着种种困惑和问题。因此,加强和改善高校新生的思想政治教育,使他们更加顺利的适应和融入大学生活,显得尤为迫切和重要。人文关怀蕴含着深刻的人文理念和人文精神,是对人本身生存状态的关心,是对符合人性的客观需求和人的尊严的肯定,是以人的方式把握和理解人。思想政治教育作为一种培养人的思想、塑造人的德性的精神生产实践,其本质上就是一项尊重人、塑造人、完善人的实践活动,始终充满着浓厚的人文关怀意蕴。把高校新生思想政治教育纳入到人文关怀的视域中进行探究,对于促进高校新生思想政治教育理论与实践的不断创新,实现新生全面发展的教育目标,培养中国特色社会主义事业的合格建设者和接班人,都有着极为深远的现实意义。 本文以人文关怀为视域,以马克思主义人学理论为指导,运用思想政治教育学和相关学科的理论知识,,重点分析了在高校新生思想政治教育中加强人文关怀的基本思路,共分为四个部分: 第一部分,对选题的研究背景、国内外的研究情况和论文的研究方法与思路做了简单的说明。 第二部分,对选题的相关概念、人文关怀和思想政治教育的关系、高校新生的特点做了基本的阐述,并对选题的理论基础做了必要的分析和概括。 第三部分,对选题的价值意蕴做了重点的分析,并从转型适应、道德品行、发展成才和心理健康等角度对高校新生思想政治教育内容建构做具体的阐述。 第四部分,从理念、方法、环境、载体等角度对高校新生思想政治教育加强人文关怀的基本实施思路做有益的探索。
[Abstract]:College freshmen are a special group of college students. They are in the transition period from immature to mature. In the face of increasingly fierce social competition, they are faced with various puzzles and problems in learning, living, and developing talent. Therefore, it is urgent and important to strengthen and improve the ideological and political education of college freshmen, so that they can adapt and integrate into college life more smoothly. Humanistic solicitude contains profound humanistic idea and spirit, it is the concern for the living state of human itself, the affirmation of the objective demand and dignity of human nature, and the grasp and understanding of human beings in the way of human beings. Ideological and political education, as a kind of spiritual production practice of cultivating people's thoughts and shaping their virtue, is in essence a matter of respecting people, shaping people and perfecting people's practical activities, which is always full of rich humanistic concern. By bringing the ideological and political education of freshmen into the field of humanistic care, it will promote the innovation of the theory and practice of freshmen's ideological and political education, and realize the educational goal of the all-round development of freshmen. Cultivating qualified builders and successors of socialism with Chinese characteristics has profound practical significance. Based on the humanistic concern, the Marxist theory of human studies and the theoretical knowledge of ideological and political education and related disciplines, this paper analyzes the basic ideas of strengthening humanistic care in the ideological and political education of freshmen in colleges and universities. It is divided into four parts: In the first part, the research background, the domestic and foreign research situation and the research methods and ideas of the thesis are briefly explained. In the second part, the related concepts of the topic, the relationship between humanistic concern and ideological and political education, the characteristics of freshmen in colleges and universities are expounded, and the theoretical basis of the topic is analyzed and summarized. In the third part, the value implication of the topic is analyzed, and the content construction of ideological and political education of freshmen in colleges and universities is elaborated from the aspects of transformation adaptation, moral conduct, development of talents and mental health. The fourth part, from the idea, method, environment, carrier and so on, makes the beneficial exploration to the university freshman ideological and political education to strengthen the humanities concern basic implementation mentality.


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