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发布时间:2018-05-05 11:58

  本文选题:现象学 + 教师教育 ; 参考:《河南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:实践取向是教师教育的发展趋势,对在职教师专业发展的提高具有重要的意义。教师的质量决定着教育的质量,而教育的差距则取决于教师的差距,教师队伍的发展关系着教育的发展成败,因此,教师教育的发展就显得尤为迫切。近年来教师教育的发展规模日益壮大,但是在职教育重视理论、轻视实践的弊端一直存在,虽然从以往的关注“教师”这个职业发展到对“教师”本身的关注,是一种人文精神的体现,但是将研究教师教育的理论和研究教师教育的实践互相有机的结合才是一种进步,只有理论指导了实践的发生,实践促进了理论的升华,才能填充教育实践轻于教育理论的缺憾。本文将从胡塞尔现象学的视角出发,论述教师教育实践取向的重要性。 本文以胡塞尔现象学为理论基础,运用现象学中“悬置”、“生活世界”、“本真还原”等方法对教师教育展开论述,采用文献法、历史分析法与比较法等研究方法进行了文献资料与信息的整理归纳。本文分为四个部分: 第一部分为理论基础。从胡塞尔现象学的视角对实践取向的教育、教师、教师教育进行了再审视,在“面向事实本身”的“生活世界”中对教师教育进行了本源追求。 第二部分为现实分析。通过对美国、英国、日本、法国、澳大利亚等国的教师教育发展模式的研究得出了教师教育以实践为导向发展的新趋势。 第三部分为意义价值。指出教师实践是教师教育的核心,分析了影响教师教育走向实践取向的因素,,并从现象学的角度论述了教师教育以实践为导向发展的意义与价值。 第四部分为反思和启示。通过对我国教师教育发展模式的分析,总结我国教师教育“重理论、轻实践”的弊端,以现象学“生活世界”、“本质直观”为理论依据,提出了以实践为导向的教师教育发展的策略和形式。
[Abstract]:Practice orientation is the development trend of teacher education, which is of great significance to the improvement of the professional development of in-service teachers. The quality of teachers determines the quality of education, and the gap of education depends on the gap of teachers. The development of teachers' ranks is related to the success or failure of the development of education. Therefore, the development of teacher education is particularly urgent. In recent years, the development scale of teacher education has been growing, but in-service education has always attached importance to theory and despised practice, although the profession of "teacher" has developed from the previous concern to the concern of "teacher" itself. It is the embodiment of humanistic spirit, but the organic combination of the theory of studying teacher education and the practice of studying teacher education is a kind of progress. Only when theory guides the occurrence of practice, practice promotes the sublimation of theory. Only then can the educational practice be filled with the shortcoming that educational practice is less than educational theory. From the perspective of Husserl's phenomenology, this paper discusses the importance of teachers' educational practice orientation. Based on Husserl's phenomenology, this paper discusses teacher education by means of "suspended", "life world" and "true restoration" in phenomenology. The methods of historical analysis and comparison are summarized. This paper is divided into four parts: The first part is the theoretical basis. From the perspective of Husserl's phenomenology, the author reexamines the practical orientation of education, teachers' and teacher's education, and pursues the teacher's education in the "life world" which is oriented to the fact itself. The second part is the reality analysis. Through the research on the development model of teacher education in America, Britain, Japan, France, Australia and other countries, this paper draws a new trend of practice-oriented development of teacher education. The third part is the value of meaning. This paper points out that teacher practice is the core of teacher education, analyzes on the factors that influence the orientation of teacher education towards practice, and discusses the significance and value of teacher education developing in the direction of practice from the perspective of phenomenology. The fourth part is reflection and enlightenment. Based on the analysis of the development mode of teacher education in our country, this paper sums up the malpractice of "emphasizing theory rather than practice" in teacher education in our country, and takes the phenomenological "life world" and "essential intuition" as the theoretical basis. This paper puts forward the strategies and forms of the development of teachers' education based on practice.


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1 骆t$;中美教师教育实践课程比较研究[D];华东师范大学;2009年

2 王萍;教育现象学方法及其应用[D];河南大学;2010年




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