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发布时间:2018-05-06 23:36

  本文选题:大学生 + 就业难 ; 参考:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国的高等教育已经从精英教育发展到大众化阶段。随着高校大规模的扩招,就业市场上大学生的供需比例发生持续变化,虽然我国保持了较高的经济增速并且创造了数量庞大的就业岗位,但是经受着计划经济向市场经济转变的阵痛,大学生就业难依然成为社会普遍关注的问题之一,它的存在引发了社会的深刻忧虑,因为就业是民生之本,如果就业问题解决不好,则容易使大学生初入社会就产生抱怨情绪,容易诱发各种不满,最终不利于社会的和谐稳定。同时,大学生就业也是衡量高等教育质量好坏的重要标准,直接关系着我国高等教育改革的相关进程。解决好大学生就业问题是高等教育坚持内涵式发展,增强社会服务能力的重要体现。 从大学生就业难的分类上来看,可以分为机构性就业难、观念性就业难、体制性就业难三类。三种类型的就业难,都体现着政府行为的精神,从高等教育运行的规律来看,作为调配市场资源行为主体的政府是解决大学生就业难问题的重要主体。政府能在更广泛的范围之内调配教育资源,对持续改进高等教育,不断加强对高等教育运行的监督意义重大。目前来看,政府在大学生就业问题上的表现可以分为作为不力和有心无力两种状态。首先需要政府有所作为的领域,由于资金支持不到位和政策失位等原因,大学生就业难的路径得不到保证;其次在某些领域由于政府过分干预,高等教育丧失了其应有的独立性,无法得到健康的发展;最后,高等教育领域的市场化是把“双刃剑”,过度市场化容易违背高等教育发展的自身规律,容易干预到大学的学术自由,如果不进行市场化改革,单纯依靠财政拨款,政府会显得力不从心。 解决大学生就业难的问题需要多方的重视和关注,从行为主体上看,学校、大学生、政府等都可能成为其行为主体,学校的力量是有限的,在整合社会资源方面力量不足;从公共政策的角度来说,学校是教育政策的执行者,无法在更高的层面解决大学生就业问题,只能从提高大学生自身素质,增强其适应社会能力方面进行培养。作为就业主体的大学生在整个就业过程中处于被动的地位,往往由于自身素质不能与用人单位的需求相匹配、所受教育无法跟上时代形式而被迫做出就业选择,这变相导致了毕业生资源扎堆某些行业领域,加剧了大学生就业难的形势。 政府在大学生就业难问题上的表现为两种形式:作为不力和有心无力。许多该由政府出资建设的领域政府没有及时跟进,高等教育受困于投入不足而出现质量下滑的趋势,大学课程设置的内容与市场化的联系紧密与否都有可能导致高等教育培养质量的变化,而大学生培养质量的降低将会直接导致就业难问题的加剧。政府在高等教育的许多领域是有心无力的,大学生就业难现状的存在也是在考验政府与市场、学术自由、大学自治的距离,作为办学主体的政府不能完全依靠市场的调节。 破解大学生就业难的问题需要从公共政策分析的角度进行解读,首先,政府应该具备清楚的角色定位,做好掌舵者、资源投入者和引导者,在广泛的范围内更好地实现社会公平。其次,政府要引导社会和第三方组织合理地评价高等教育,对高等教育的发展和定位起到积极的引导作用,尽量避免高校盲目升级、扩张合并而忽视教育质量的行为。最后,政府要营造正视和解决大学生就业问题的有利氛围,合理引导高校资源配置和高等教育的发展,只有这样才能最终解决大学生就业难的问题。
[Abstract]:The higher education in China has developed from the elite education to the popular stage. With the large-scale enrollment expansion of the University, the proportion of the supply and demand of college students in the employment market has changed continuously. Although China has maintained a high economic growth rate and created a large number of jobs, it is suffering from the pain of changing the planned economy to the market economy. The difficult employment of college students is still one of the common concerns of the society. Its existence has caused profound social anxiety, because employment is the foundation of the people's livelihood. If the employment problem is not solved well, it will easily cause the students to enter the society to produce complaints, easily induce various discontent, and ultimately disadvantageous to the social harmony and stability. Meanwhile, College Students Employment is also an important standard to measure the quality of higher education. It is directly related to the process of higher education reform in China. To solve the problem of College Students' employment is an important embodiment of the insisting on the connotation development of higher education and enhancing the ability of social service.
From the classification of the difficult employment of college students, it can be divided into three categories: Institutional employment difficulty, conceptual employment difficult, and institutional employment difficult. The three types of employment difficulties all reflect the spirit of government behavior. From the law of higher education operation, the government as the main body of marketing resources is the important problem to solve the problem of College Students' employment. The government is able to allocate educational resources within a wider range, to continuously improve higher education, and to continuously strengthen the supervision of higher education operation. At present, the performance of the government on the problem of College Students' employment can be divided into two forms of incompetence and inability. In some fields, higher education has lost its due independence and can not get a healthy development. Finally, the market of higher education is a "double-edged sword", and the overmarketization is easy to violate high. The law of the development of education can easily interfere with the academic freedom of the University. If the reform of the market is not carried out, the government will not be able to rely solely on the financial appropriation.
To solve the problem of College Students' difficulty in employment needs more attention and attention. From the subject of behavior, schools, college students, government and so on may become the main body of behavior. The strength of the school is limited and the strength of the social resources is insufficient. From the point of view of public policy, the school is the executive of the education policy and can not be in the higher level. In order to solve the problem of College Students' employment, the students can only improve their own quality and improve their social ability. As the main body of employment, the college students are in a passive position in the whole process of employment, often because their own qualities can not match the needs of the employers, and the education can not keep up with the form of the times. Making employment choices, this disguise led to the accumulation of graduates resources in certain industries, and exacerbated the difficult employment situation of college students.
The government's performance on the problem of College Students' employment is two forms: poor and weak. Many of the government funded areas have not been in time to follow up, higher education is trapped in the shortage of investment and the trend of quality decline. The link between the content of the university curriculum and the marketization is likely to lead to The quality of higher education is changed, and the reduction of the quality of college students will lead to the aggravation of the problem of employment. The government is weak in many fields of higher education. The existence of the present situation of the difficult employment of college students is also a test of the distance between the government and the market, the academic freedom and the autonomy of the school, and the government can not be the main body of the school. It depends on the regulation of the market.
The problem of solving the problem of College Students' employment needs to be interpreted from the perspective of public policy analysis. First, the government should have a clear role, a good steer, a resource input and a guide to better realize social fairness in a wide range. Secondly, the government should guide the society and the third Party organizations to reasonably evaluate the higher education, The development and orientation of higher education plays a positive role in guiding the university to avoid blindly upgrading and expanding the merger and neglecting the quality of education. Finally, the government should create a favorable atmosphere to face and solve the problem of College Students' employment, and rationally guide the allocation of university resources and the development of higher education. Only in this way can the university finally solve the University. The problem of the difficult employment of students.



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