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发布时间:2018-05-07 02:42

  本文选题:高校 + 大学生社团 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:进入新世纪以来,大学生社团的数量迅速增多,大学生社团的建设和管理也随之有了很大的提升,大学生社团进入了新的发展阶段。大学生社团是大学生了解自我、锻炼自我、了解社会、融入社会的重要窗口,在促进大学生成长成才、推进素质教育、丰富校园文化等方面发挥积极的促进作用。然而,因经费、客观环境等因素的限制使得大学生社团在发展过程中依然存在许多问题和矛盾,影响着大学生社团功能的发挥。因此,,研究大学生社团内部矛盾,分析矛盾产生的原因,探讨完善高校学生社团的对策,对于做好社团管理工作,发挥其在校园文化建设中的作用,具有重大的现实意义。 为了全面的说明问题,本文以山东省域C大学为例,采用了文献研究法、问卷调查法、访谈调查法,对大学生社团的内部矛盾现状以及矛盾产生原因进行了调查研究,进而提出化解对策。 调查数据和访谈记录显示,大学生社团内部矛盾较为突出,主要表现为:社团的低收入与经费的高支出之间的矛盾;社团成员对活动质量的高需求与社团活动质量不高之间的矛盾;社团组织结构与社团性质不协调的矛盾以及社团成员之间的矛盾。造成这些矛盾的主要原因在于:社团组织内部民主决策率不高;成员之间存在意见分歧;成员之间缺少交流;成员之间存在利益冲突等。同时,我们也应注意到矛盾对社团发展的双重作用,一方面它能够促进社团的自我完善,加强成员之间的交流,另一方面,也在一定程度上阻碍着社团的发展,使成员之间产生隔阂。 化解大学生社团的内部矛盾,可以从外部调控和内部调整采取相应对策。首先,高校要切实加强对高校学生社团的领导和管理。为社团配备指导教师、加大经费支持力度、培养社团骨干力量、完善监督和激励机制、加强社团间的交流与共赢。其次,“社团人”应在社团内部建立科学而灵活的运作机制。重视社团负责人的作用及其选拔、确立适当社团规模与组织结构、发展完善各项规章制度、加强社团成员的交往与协作机制、重视社团文化建设与氛围营造。
[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the new century, the number of college students' associations has increased rapidly, and the construction and management of college students' associations have also been greatly improved. The university students' associations have entered a new stage of development. College student associations are an important window for college students to understand themselves, exercise themselves, understand society and integrate into society. They play a positive role in promoting college students' growth and development, promoting quality education, enriching campus culture and so on. However, because of the limitation of funds, objective environment and other factors, there are still many problems and contradictions in the development of college students' associations, which affect the function of college students' associations. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the internal contradictions of college students' associations, analyze the causes of the contradictions, and probe into the countermeasures of perfecting the university student associations. It is of great practical significance to do well the management of the associations and to play their role in the construction of campus culture. In order to explain the problem comprehensively, this paper takes the C University of Shandong Province as an example, adopts the literature research method, the questionnaire survey method, the interview investigation method, has carried on the investigation and the research to the university student association internal contradiction present situation and the contradiction causes. And then puts forward the solution countermeasure. The survey data and interview records show that the contradiction between the low income and the high expenditure of the college students' association is obvious. The contradiction between the high demand for the activity quality and the low activity quality among the members of the association, the contradiction between the organization structure and the nature of the association and the contradiction between the members of the association. The main reasons for these contradictions are: the democratic decision-making rate is not high; there are differences of opinion among members; there is a lack of communication among members; and there are conflicts of interest among members. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the dual role of contradiction in the development of the community. On the one hand, it can promote the self-improvement of the community and strengthen the communication among its members. On the other hand, it also hinders the development of the community to a certain extent. Separate members from each other. To resolve the internal contradictions of college students' associations, we can take corresponding countermeasures from external regulation and internal adjustment. First of all, colleges and universities should strengthen the leadership and management of college student associations. To equip the community with guidance teachers, to increase the funding support, to train the backbone of the community, to improve the supervision and incentive mechanism, to strengthen the communication and win-win. Secondly, society people should establish scientific and flexible operation mechanism within the society. We should attach importance to the role and selection of the responsible person of the association, establish the appropriate scale and organizational structure of the association, develop and perfect the rules and regulations, strengthen the communication and cooperation mechanism of the members of the association, and attach importance to the construction of the culture and atmosphere of the association.


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