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发布时间:2018-05-08 03:00

  本文选题:高校 + 贫困生 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国高等教育逐次经历“免费——并轨——收费”国家政策的洗礼,在这一自上而下的强制性变迁过程中,在历史性因素、现实性因素和政策性因素多重合力作用下,高校贫困生问题日益凸显。随着高等教育规模的扩大和学生数量的快速增长,高校贫困生群体规模越来越大。国家在不同时期采取相应的帮助措施,力图解决贫困生问题,构筑了以“奖、贷、助、补、免、勤”为主要内容的贫困生资助体系,取得了显著成效,但在贫困生认定和资助工作中,仍存在不容忽视的问题。 随着教育和经济发展的关系日益紧密,教育越来越成为一个社会发展的重要力量,教育问题也成为世界各国普遍关注的焦点问题之一。处于大变革时期的中国,一系列改革的推进所形成或带来的问题影响了中国教育事业的发展,高校贫困生资助的问题越来越严重。如何健全中国的学生资助政策,确保贫困生接受高等教育的机会,保障他们不因贫困而荒废学业,成为目前中国高等教育急需解决的重要问题。 国家法律和政策是影响学生资助体系的最重要的根本性因素。探索和分析高校贫困生资助体系的历史演进和现实状况,发现贫困生资助中的理论缺陷和实践困境,结合国外成功的做法和实践,提出改善贫困生资助的具体办法:第一:既要构建完备的大学生资助体系,又要保障公平资助理念实现;第二,实现贫困生资助的法制化,制定贫困生资助法规,从根本上保障贫困生资助得到法律保障;第三,加强政府宣传,营造努力帮助贫困生的氛围;第四,构建科学的可操作的贫困生认定和资助工作办法,实现资助的公平、公开、公正和透明。 高校贫困生问题是伴随我国经济体制改革和高校体制改革而出现的一个突出的社会问题。要建立切实有效的贫困生资助体系,就需要对高校贫困生资助体系进行改革和创新,探究其中问题,并提出可行的解决办法,不断增强贫困生资助工作的针对性和时效性。 现行高校贫困生认定工作中存在的主要问题有:认定责任主体不清,认定方法和技术单一,认定办法抽象、可操作性差,认定材料失真、诚信缺失,认定方法效度和信度有待提高,申请随意、认定无序。 通过问题分析,结合国外贫困生认定办法和自身工作实践,本文提出了综合立体认定的思想,构建了高校贫困生综合立体评价认定指标体系理论模型,提炼出了一个兼具科学性和可操作性的高校贫困生认定的可操作模式。 现行高校贫困生资助工作中存在的主要问题有:助学贷款主体作用不强,与助学资助体系发展思路相悖;以(助学金)无偿资助方式为主体,陷入“免费教育午餐”的误区;奖学金资助功能不足,激励作用有待增强;勤工助学资金欠缺,岗位有限,育人机制匮乏;社会资助发展滞后。 要解决现行资助工作中的问题,需要顺应国际助学发展方向,在资助理念、资助体系和资助方式上不断变革和调整。理念层面,要深化成本分担和补偿理论认识,树立公平优先的资助理念;顺应国际资助发展趋势,契合国家教育发展战略,确立有偿资助理念。资助体系层面,构建以助学贷款为主体,奖、助、补、减、免、勤并重的多元助学资助体系。资助方式层面,建立以“有偿资助”为主体,“无偿资助”为补充的资助方式;构建权利义务基本对等的贫困生资助方式;坚持资助与育人结合,合力推进助学育人。
[Abstract]:China's higher education has gone through the baptism of "free - in - orbit - charging" national policy. In the course of this top-down compulsory change, the problem of poor students in Colleges and universities has become increasingly prominent under the role of historical, realistic and policy factors. With the expansion of higher education and the rapid development of students, the number of students in higher education is becoming more and more rapid. In different periods, the state has taken corresponding help measures in different periods to solve the problem of poor students, and has made significant achievements in the poor students' financing system, which is the main content of "prize, loan, help, supplement, exemption and diligence". However, there are still some problems that can not be ignored in the work of identifying and supporting the poor students. Question.
With the increasingly close relationship between education and economic development, education has become an important force in the development of a society. Education has become one of the focus of the world. In the period of great change, the development of a series of reforms has influenced the development of Chinese education and the poverty of colleges and universities. The problem of financial aid is becoming more and more serious. How to improve the student subsidy policy in China, to ensure the poor students to accept the opportunity of higher education, and to ensure that they do not waste their studies because of poverty has become an important problem in China's higher education.
The national law and policy are the most important and fundamental factors affecting the student funding system. To explore and analyze the historical evolution and actual situation of the financial aid system for poor students in Colleges and universities, to find out the theoretical and practical difficulties in the aid of the poor students, and to put forward some specific ways to improve the aid of the poor students with the successful practice and practice of foreign countries. First: We should not only build a complete system of university student funding, but also guarantee the realization of the concept of fair funding; second, to realize the legalization of the financial aid of the poor students and to make the subsidy laws and regulations for the poor students to guarantee the legal guarantee for the aid of the poor students; third, to strengthen the propaganda of the government and to create an atmosphere for helping the poor students; and fourth, to build scientific workability. The way to identify and subsidize poor students is to achieve fairness, openness, fairness and transparency.
The problem of poor students in Colleges and universities is a prominent social problem which is accompanied by the reform of the economic system and the reform of the institutions of higher learning. In order to establish a practical and effective financial aid system for poor students, it is necessary to reform and innovate the aid system for the poor students in colleges and universities, and to explore the feasible solutions to improve the financial support for the poor students. The pertinence and timeliness of the work.
The main problems in the present work of identifying the poor students in Colleges and universities are that the main body of the cognizance is not clear, the method and technology of identification are unitary, the method of cognizance is abstract, the operability is poor, the material is distorted, the credibility is missing, the validity and reliability of the identification method need to be improved, and the application is arbitrary and disorderly.
Through the analysis of the problems, combining with the methods of identifying the poor students and the practice of their own work, this paper puts forward the idea of comprehensive stereoscopic identification, and constructs a theoretical model of the comprehensive stereoscopic evaluation index system for the poor students in Colleges and universities, and extracts a feasible and operational model for the identification of poor students in Colleges and universities with both scientific and operability.
The main problems in the current financial aid work of the poor students in Colleges and universities are: the main role of the student loans is not strong, and it is contrary to the development of the aid system. Limited jobs, lack of education mechanism and lagging behind social support.
In order to solve the problems in the current financial support work, it is necessary to conform to the development direction of international students, change and adjust the financing concept, the financing system and the way of financing. On the conceptual level, we should deepen the understanding of the theory of cost sharing and compensation, set up a fair and preferential subsidy concept, conform to the trend of international financing and fit for the national education development strategy, To establish the assistance system level, to build a multi student aid system with student loans as the main body, award, help, supplement, subtraction, exemption, and diligence. The combination of helping and educating people to promote the education and educating people.



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