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发布时间:2018-05-11 20:27

  本文选题:中学科学教师 + 教育实践 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:20世纪末,为了贯彻落实“科教兴国”战略,为了全面提高学生的素质能力,推进素质教育进程,我国教育部启动了面向21世纪的基础教育课程改革。《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》规定初中(7-9年级)设立综合科学课程。《科学》学科的高度综合化对于在中学担任《科学》科目教学工作的教师提出了更高的素质及能力要求。职前教育中的教育实践课程是培养教师实践知识的起点,能帮助师范生从学生身份顺利转变为教师身份,有效地促进中学科学教师的专业发展。我国中学科学教师职前教育实践发展比较晚,较形式化,与发达国家还存在着一定的差距,有一些不尽如人意的地方。就目前的上海师范大学科学教育专业教育实践模式的实际情况而言,笔者发现我校的科学教育专业实习生在教育实习过程中还存在一定的困惑。而美国作为发达国家,其中学科学教师教育实践课程已呈规范化和制度化,对我国中学科学教师教育实践培养模式的构建有着积极的启发意义。此外,研究我国科学教育专业的教育实践模式的文章较少,笔者通过此文的撰写在某种程度上弥补了研究的不足,吸取国外优秀经验,最终促进科学教育专业教育实习健康发展。 本文的研究方法是文献研究法、调查问卷法、个案及比较研究法。 笔者对以上海师范大学科学教育专业为典型进行问卷调研,了解教育实习的基本情况、教育见习、教育实习内容形式、实习学校指导教师及大学指导老师指导情况、教育实习的满意度情况等,对中学科学教师职前教育实践模式现状进行分析得出:中学科学教师职前培养的教育实践模式存在着以下的问题:1)教育实践的准备课程不足。2)教育实习场所流动性大。3)教育实践内容流于形式。4)教育实习时间短。5)实习学校指导教师及大学实习指导教师的指导不足。笔者选取美国北伊诺伊州立大学和上海师范大学作为研究的个案,对两所学校的中学科学教师职前培养的教育实践资格、教育实践准备课程、’教育实践内容形式、教育实践实习学校指导教师与高师指导教师职责、教育实践评价形式进行梳理及比较分析,结合美国NIU优秀经验,提出我国科学教师职前教育实践模式改进策略:1)根据中小学科学课程标准,调整科学专业课程。2)加强与中小学的密切合作,建立稳固的实习基地。3)开展多种活动,有效落实微格教学和教育见习。4)延长教育实习时间,积累实践性知识。5)建立实习指导教师遴选标准与制度。6)增加大学实习指导教师师资队伍,加强与实习指导教师交流。 通过以上研究,希望能够引起上海师范大学对科学教育专业职前教育实践培养的重视,也为广大高师院校进行教育实践模式改革提供理论依据和策略参考。
[Abstract]:At the end of the 20th century, in order to carry out the strategy of "rejuvenating the country through science and education" and to comprehensively improve the quality and ability of students, the process of quality education was promoted. The Ministry of Education of our country has initiated the curriculum reform of basic education facing the 21st century. The outline of Curriculum Reform of basic Education (trial) > stipulates that the junior high school students have grades 7-9) to set up a comprehensive science curriculum. Teachers in the teaching of Science have put forward higher quality and ability requirements. The curriculum of educational practice in pre-vocational education is the starting point of cultivating teachers' practical knowledge, which can help normal students to change from student status to teacher status smoothly and effectively promote the professional development of science teachers in middle schools. The practice of pre-service education of science teachers in middle schools in our country is relatively late and formalized, and there is still a certain gap with developed countries, and there are some unsatisfactory places. As far as the actual situation of the current practice mode of science education major in Shanghai normal University is concerned, the author finds that the intern of science education major in our university still has some confusion in the process of education practice. The United States, as a developed country, has standardized and institutionalized the educational practice curriculum of science teachers, which has a positive enlightening significance for the construction of the educational practice training model of science teachers in middle schools in our country. In addition, there are few articles to study the educational practice model of science education major in our country. To some extent, the author has made up for the deficiency of the research and absorbed the excellent experience of foreign countries through the writing of this article. Finally, it will promote the healthy development of scientific education practice. The research methods of this paper are literature research, questionnaire, case and comparative study. The author investigated and investigated the science education specialty of Shanghai normal University, and found out the basic situation of the education practice, the educational probation, the content form of the education practice, the guiding teachers of the practice school and the guiding teacher of the university. The satisfaction of educational practice, etc., Based on the analysis of the present situation of pre-service education practice model for middle school science teachers, it is concluded that the educational practice mode of pre-service training of middle school science teachers has the following problems: 1) lack of preparatory curriculum for educational practice. 2) mobility of educational practice places. Sex. 3) the content of educational practice is just like form. 4) the time of teaching practice is short. 5) the guidance of practice school teachers and university practice teachers is insufficient. The author chooses North Inoy State University and Shanghai normal University as cases to study the educational practice qualification of science teachers in the two schools, and the educational practice content form of the preparatory curriculum of educational practice. The teaching practice school guides the teacher and the higher normal university guides the teacher duty, the educational practice appraisal form carries on the combing and the comparative analysis, unifies the American NIU outstanding experience, According to the science curriculum standards of primary and secondary schools, adjusting the science major curriculum. 2) strengthening the close cooperation with the middle and primary schools, establishing a solid practice base. 3) carrying out various activities. Effective implementation of microteaching and educational apprentices.4) prolonging the time of educational practice and accumulating practical knowledge .5) establishing the selection standard and system of practical guidance teachers. 6) increasing the teaching staff of university practice guidance teachers and strengthening the communication with practical guidance teachers. Through the above research, it is hoped that Shanghai normal University will attach importance to the practice training of pre-vocational education in science education major, and also provide theoretical basis and strategic reference for the reform of educational practice mode in the vast number of normal colleges and universities.


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