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发布时间:2018-05-12 10:29

  本文选题:高校教师 + 教师知识 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着高等教育“大众化”进程的推进,高等教育已经进入从扩大“量”到保证“质”的改革攻坚阶段,高等学校的教学质量保障问题成为高等教育学界研究的重中之重,而其中教师队伍的建设和教师教学水平的发展,是高校教学质量保障的核心问题。如今,随着社会整体学历层次的提高,高校教师大多拥有博士学位,具备良好的研究潜力,是知识储备方面的佼佼者。另一方面,在高校教师中又普遍存在着教学质量参差不齐的问题,究其原因,,是因为高校教师在教学知识准备和发展方面存在诸多缺憾。 本文在“教学知识”理论的文献研究基础上,采用质性研究的访谈方法,对不同学校、专业和背景的16位高校教师进行深入访谈,研究高校教师群体是如何发展其教学知识的。访谈从“教学的课程知识”、“教学的内容知识”、“教学的方法知识”三个主要方面对教学知识的全貌进行探究,通过倾听教师的心声,获得一手资料,进而采用“扎根理论”的分析方法形成理论。 研究发现,高校教师有他们专属的教学知识发展途径:(1)教学经验和反思,(2)作为学习者的经验,(3)教材和相关资料,(4)个人研究资料和成果,(5)同行交流,(6)在职培训。这六种途径以不同的方式促进高校教师教学知识不同方面的发展,重要性和必要性也有所不同。 研究提出,应从学校管理层面和教师个人层面引起重视,双管齐下,共同促进高校教师教学知识的发展,并提出对进一步研究的建议。
[Abstract]:With the advancement of the process of "popularization" of higher education, higher education has entered the stage of reform from expanding "quantity" to "ensuring quality". The guarantee of teaching quality in colleges and universities has become the most important issue in the research of higher education circles. Among them, the construction of teaching team and the development of teaching level are the core problems of teaching quality guarantee in colleges and universities. Nowadays, with the improvement of the whole education level, most university teachers have doctorate degree, have good research potential, and are outstanding in the field of knowledge reserve. On the other hand, there are many problems in teaching quality in colleges and universities. The reason is that there are many defects in the preparation and development of teaching knowledge. Based on the literature research on the theory of "teaching knowledge", this paper uses the interview method of qualitative research to conduct in-depth interviews with 16 college teachers from different schools, majors and backgrounds to study how the group of university teachers develop their teaching knowledge. The interview explores the whole situation of teaching knowledge from three main aspects: "teaching curriculum knowledge", "teaching content knowledge" and "teaching method knowledge". Then the theory is formed by using the analysis method of "rooted theory". The study found that teachers in colleges and universities have their own way of teaching knowledge development: 1) teaching experience and reflection 2) as a learner's experience 3) teaching materials and related materials. 4) personal research materials and achievements. 5) peer exchange and on-the-job training. These six ways promote the development of different aspects of college teachers' teaching knowledge in different ways, and the importance and necessity are also different. The study suggests that attention should be paid to the development of teachers' teaching knowledge from the school management level and the teachers' personal level, and the suggestions for further research should be put forward in order to jointly promote the development of teachers' teaching knowledge in colleges and universities.


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