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发布时间:2018-05-12 11:50

  本文选题:研究生教育 + 师生交往 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在研究生教育阶段,师生交往是导师与研究生在教学活动中通过相互交往,形成的深刻影响着研究生教育质量的一种特殊形态的人际交往。研究生所进行的科研活动都是与导师紧密联系的,良好的师生交往对研究生的成长进步有着重要的促进作用。本研究试图从研究生教育的本质入手探讨当前研究生教育中怎样的师生交往有利于促进研究生的知识产出,所关注的基本问题: (1)促进研究生知识产出的影响因素是什么,各因素之间如何相互作用; (2)促进研究生知识产出的师生交往有哪些共同特点; (3)是否有分析师生交往促进研究生知识产出的理论框架。 本研究采取质的研究方法,从研究生的角度对武汉市某重点大学17名全日制在校博士研究生进行深入访谈,目的在于探索师生交往对研究生知识产出影响的过程。通过运用扎根理论的三种编码技术,将收集到的资料进行了编码和分析,最终构建了师生交往促进研究生知识产出过程的一个扎根理论模型,并依据班杜拉三元交互决定论,分别从个体、行为、环境三个维度对研究生与导师之间交往的影响因素进行描述和分析,以及对研究生自己所经历的师生关系的体验进行探讨,最后从研究生知识产出的视角,,借鉴教育学、社会学、心理学和管理学等多学科的理论得出以下四个结论: (1)研究生学术忠诚度、导师指导投入度和师生交往程度作为三大因果条件交互影响着研究生的知识产出; (2)能促进研究生知识产出的师生交往是一种师生学术共同体,是以创造知识为共同目标,在学术场域中拥有共同愿景,并将教学、学习、科研结合在一起相互提高学术能力而构成的一个群体; (3)促进研究生知识产出的师生交往具有以下共同特点:以强烈的学术动机和共同的学术愿景为驱动力,在有效讨论的运行模式下,通过导师的领导力与同辈群体的相互激励,激发个人知识产出,从而促进团队的发展,形成自觉传承的团队文化理念; (4)分析师生交往影响研究生知识产出的三个扎根理论:契合原理,期待原理和共情原理。研究生群体认为在师生交往过程中与导师在心灵上的默契与行动上的契合度决定着其知识产出的成效,对导师的期待和共情会直接引起师生间相互依赖、传递内心感受和理解的精神体验。 本研究由四部分构成。论文的第一部分为绪论,旨在说明研究的背景和意义以及国内外关于研究生师生关系的文献综述;论文的第二部分为研究设计,主要阐述论文的研究目标、理论基础、研究思路与方法和信度与效度分析;论文的第三部分为研究结果,详细分析了师生交往现状与类型、影响因素、互动策略及研究所得出的三个扎根理论;论文的第四部分为结语与展望,包括研究的创新与局限性以及进一步研究的反思与设想。
[Abstract]:In the stage of graduate education, teacher-student communication is a special form of interpersonal communication which has a profound impact on the quality of postgraduate education through mutual communication between tutor and graduate student in teaching activities. The research activities carried out by graduate students are closely related to their mentors. Good communication between teachers and students plays an important role in promoting the growth and progress of graduate students. This study attempts to explore what kind of teacher-student communication in graduate education is conducive to promoting graduate students' knowledge output from the point of view of the essence of graduate education. 1) what are the influencing factors of promoting graduate students' knowledge output and how the factors interact with each other; 2) what are the common characteristics of the communication between teachers and students to promote the knowledge output of postgraduates; 3) whether there is a theoretical framework to promote graduate students' knowledge output. In this study, a qualitative approach was adopted to conduct in-depth interviews with 17 full-time doctoral graduates in a key university in Wuhan from the point of view of graduate students. The purpose of this study was to explore the process of the impact of teacher-student interaction on graduate students' knowledge output. By using the three coding techniques of rooted theory, this paper encodes and analyzes the collected data, and finally constructs a rooted theoretical model of teacher-student interaction to promote the process of graduate students' knowledge output, and according to Bandura's ternary interaction determinism, From the aspects of individual, behavior and environment, this paper describes and analyzes the influencing factors of interaction between graduate students and mentors, and probes into the experience of teacher-student relationship experienced by graduate students themselves. Finally, from the perspective of graduate students' knowledge production. Drawing lessons from the theories of pedagogy, sociology, psychology and management, the following four conclusions are drawn: (1) the academic loyalty of graduate students, the degree of tutoring investment and the degree of teacher-student communication are the three major causality conditions which affect the knowledge output of graduate students; 2) Teacher-student communication, which can promote graduate students' knowledge production, is a kind of academic community of teachers and students, with the common goal of creating knowledge, having a common vision in the academic field, and teaching and learning. A group formed by the combination of scientific research and mutual enhancement of academic competence; 3) the interaction between teachers and students to promote graduate students' knowledge output has the following common characteristics: driven by strong academic motivation and common academic vision, through the leadership of mentors and the mutual encouragement of peer groups, under the operational mode of effective discussion, Stimulate individual knowledge output, thus promoting the development of the team, forming a conscious heritage of team culture concept; 4) there are three theories that influence graduate students' knowledge output: fit principle, expectation principle and empathy principle. The group of graduate students believe that the degree of tacit agreement and action with the tutor in the process of communication between teachers and students determines the effect of their knowledge output, and the expectation and empathy of the tutor will directly lead to mutual dependence between teachers and students. Convey the spiritual experience of inner feelings and understanding. This study consists of four parts. The first part of the thesis is the introduction, which aims to explain the background and significance of the research and the literature review on the relationship between teachers and students at home and abroad, the second part of the paper is the research design, mainly describes the research objectives, theoretical basis, The third part is the research results, including the analysis of the current situation and types of communication between teachers and students, the influencing factors, the interactive strategies and the three rooted theories. The fourth part is the conclusion and prospect, including the innovation and limitation of the research as well as the reflection and assumption of further research.


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