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发布时间:2018-05-14 03:01

  本文选题:高校高层次人才 + 河北省 ; 参考:《河北经贸大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在当今激烈的国际竞争中,人力资源是在竞争中取胜的重要因素之一,而高等院校是培养高层次人才的重要场所,高层次人才的培养、教育与运用是国内外高校都非常重视的关键环节,是高等教育的最重要目标。在我国科教兴国战略和人才强国的战略布局中,高等教育担负着培养高级专门人才、知识创新与技术创新的重要历史使命,而高等教育的发展水平在很大程度上取决于教师队伍的整体素质。因此,如何规范我国高校师资流动,做到选好、用好、留住人才,对我国高等教育的发展有重大意义。 本研究对河北省地方高校中已经流失的高层次人才进行数据统计,总结归纳出导致河北省地方高校高层次人才流失的主要影响因素;运用问卷调查与spss软件对导致高校高层次人才的流动因素进行调查,运用比较研究、系统研究等方法,综述了国内外相关研究概况,比较了中外人才流动的现状,全面地分析了影响我国高校人才流动的主要影响因素;基于之前的研究,结合河北省的地方特点,从政治、经济、文化、市场、环境等方面研究提出了促进和保障高校人才合理流动的对策,包括:建立现代化的高校人事管理制度,努力实现人文精神,加强人文关怀,完善教师培训机制,,提高教师待遇,激励机制与约束机制相结合,岗位匹配,人尽其才。
[Abstract]:In today's fierce international competition, human resources is one of the important factors to win the competition, and colleges and universities are an important place to train high-level talents. Education and application is a key link that colleges and universities at home and abroad attach great importance to, and the most important goal of higher education. In China's strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and the strategic layout of a powerful country with talent, higher education is charged with the important historical mission of training senior specialized personnel, knowledge innovation and technological innovation. The development level of higher education depends on the overall quality of teachers to a great extent. Therefore, it is of great significance for the development of higher education to standardize the flow of teachers in colleges and universities, and to select, make good use of and retain talents. This study makes statistics on the high-level talents that have been lost in the local colleges and universities in Hebei Province, and sums up the main influencing factors that lead to the loss of high-level talents in the local colleges and universities in Hebei Province. By means of questionnaire survey and spss software, this paper investigates the factors leading to the flow of high-level talents in colleges and universities. By means of comparative study and systematic research, this paper summarizes the relevant research situation at home and abroad, and compares the present situation of talent flow between China and foreign countries. This paper comprehensively analyzes the main factors that affect the flow of talents in colleges and universities in China. Based on the previous research, combining with the local characteristics of Hebei Province, from the aspects of politics, economy, culture and market, This paper puts forward some countermeasures to promote and guarantee the rational flow of talents in colleges and universities, including: establishing a modern personnel management system in colleges and universities, striving to realize humanistic spirit, strengthening humanistic care, perfecting teacher training mechanism, and improving the treatment of teachers. Incentive mechanism and constraint mechanism combined, post matching, the best use of talent.


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