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发布时间:2018-05-18 15:29

  本文选题:校园暴力 + 校园安全 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国的经济迅猛发展,综合国力不断增强,人民的生活水平亦得到极大提高。然而,在经济发展的同时,社会也面临转型升级,校园制度也急剧改革,显现出了各种矛盾。由于多方面的因素,,一些社会矛盾转嫁到校园中,因此校园惨案不断上演,各地的校园暴力事件层出不穷,且愈演愈烈,我国校园暴力现象呈现出恶化的趋势。学校安全是社会公共安全的重要组成部分,作为推动社会进步发展的一个重要细胞,学校的安全稳定直接关系到整个社会的和谐稳定发展。校园周边环境复杂、就业压力和社会不稳定因素等问题给校园的安全增加了事故风险,极易引发暴力犯罪、爆炸、中毒、偷盗、抢劫等案事件,影响广大师生正常的学习、生活和教学工作。所以,校园暴力问题已成为社会普遍关注的焦点和急待解决的社会难题之一。校园暴力问题囿于信息传播途径的闭塞,加上社会群体对该问题的忽视,使其一直未能得以很好的解决。 我国目前对校园暴力问题的研究仍处于一个相对较低的水平,大量的新闻报道也只能将笔墨凝聚于对暴力事件的描述上,缺乏对这些行为进行多角度和深层次的分析,学术界尽管也有学者对校园暴力问题有所提及,但对这一问题也没有进行较为深入和系统化的研究。笔者书写本文旨在分析目前国内外校园暴力的定义及其存在的不足,梳理校园暴力的主要类型,剖析校园暴力产生的原因及危害,分析目前我国校园暴力的现状和走向,并提出解决校园暴力的对策和建议。 本文的研究思路是从校园暴力的研究背景入手,阐明研究的思路与方法,点明研究的意义与重要性,进而分析论述校园暴力的基本概念和特征,就校园暴力的国内外现状做出说明,继而在总结国外关于校园暴力的处置方法的经验教训,提出对于我国整治校园暴力的启示,针对我国的实际情况,提出具体的应对措施。防治校园暴力作为全社会共同的责任,要求政府积极履行职能,司法机关必要介入,采取全方位、多渠道的有力措施,共同关注,齐抓共管。同时,学校、家庭和社会三方面应共同努力,动员一切力量开展防治校园暴力的工作,营造一个有利于青少年健康成长的良好环境。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has developed rapidly, the comprehensive national strength has been continuously enhanced, and the living standards of the people have been greatly improved. However, at the same time of economic development, society is also faced with transformation and upgrading, the campus system is also a sharp reform, showing a variety of contradictions. Due to various factors, some social contradictions are transferred to the campus, so the campus tragedy continues to play out, and the campus violence in various places emerge one after another and become more and more intense. The phenomenon of campus violence in our country shows a trend of deterioration. School safety is an important part of social public safety. As an important cell to promote social progress and development, school safety and stability is directly related to the harmonious and stable development of the whole society. The complex environment around the campus, employment pressure and social instability factors have increased the risk of accidents to campus safety, and easily lead to violent crimes, explosions, poisoning, theft, robbery and other cases, which affect normal learning of teachers and students. Life and teaching Therefore, the problem of campus violence has become the focus of general concern and one of the urgent social problems to be solved. The problem of campus violence is confined to the block of the way of information dissemination, and the social groups ignore the problem, which makes it can not be solved very well all the time. At present, the research on campus violence in our country is still at a relatively low level, and a large number of news reports can only concentrate the pen and ink on the description of the violent events, and lack of multi-angle and deep-level analysis of these behaviors. Although some scholars have mentioned the problem of campus violence, there is no deep and systematic research on it. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the definition and shortcomings of campus violence at home and abroad, to sort out the main types of campus violence, to analyze the causes and harm of campus violence, and to analyze the current situation and trend of campus violence in China. And put forward the countermeasures and suggestions to solve the campus violence. The research idea of this paper is to start with the research background of campus violence, clarify the thought and method of the research, point out the significance and importance of the research, and then analyze the basic concepts and characteristics of campus violence. This paper explains the present situation of campus violence at home and abroad, and then summarizes the experiences and lessons of the methods of dealing with campus violence in foreign countries, and puts forward the enlightenment for our country to renovate campus violence, and puts forward some concrete countermeasures in view of the actual situation of our country. As a common responsibility of the whole society, the prevention and control of campus violence requires the government to actively perform its functions, the judiciary must intervene, take all-directional, multi-channel measures, common concern, and joint management. At the same time, the three aspects of school, family and society should make joint efforts to mobilize all forces to carry out the work of preventing and treating campus violence and to create a good environment conducive to the healthy growth of young people.


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