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发布时间:2018-05-19 21:29

  本文选题:大学生 + 服饰 ; 参考:《陕西科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:衣食住行,是人们日常生活中的必需品。同样,消费行为也是伴随着人们生活、社会发展的重要活动,是社会生产历史发展的重要前提。在当今社会经济快速发展之下,国民整体的文化和消费水平都有所提高,大学生人数逐年快速递增,在我国基本国情之下,大多数家庭结构发生变化,独生子女家庭越来越多,每个家庭都愿意让自己的孩子走进高校、接受高等教育,而在家庭消费中大学生消费比重也越来越大。在我国高校中,大学生的服饰消费是在每月支出配额中重要的组成部分之一,大学生对于生活的态度一向洒脱自由,对于服装的需求也有着很强的自主性和自我认识。因此,要把握大学生的消费需求、动机等一系列的心理和消费行为的特点,制定出大学生的服饰消费行为模式,使企业根据此特点细分市场,制定出针对于大学生的服饰产品与营销策略。从而将此群体的消费心理、消费行为与之有机的结合在一起,形成一个完整的概念,这就能够成为研究大学生服装市场的新课题。 本文是以消费者行为学和消费者心理学为基础理论,通过问卷调查法、资料收集法、分析法等研究大学生这一特殊群体的服装消费行为和需求,设计大学生的服饰需求及消费行为的问卷调查,随机找出陕西10所高校400名学生做大量的问卷调查,分析数据之后,找出大学生服饰消费心理特点,得出大学生的服饰消费行为的模式。使得企业更好地把握好大学生这一庞大的服饰市场,了解他们的消费心理和需求。 全文共分为五个部分。 第一部分,对大学生服饰消费行为及需求这一课题的研究背景、现状、方法以及研究目的作的一定的论述,这也就是本课题研究的意义所在。 第二部分,大量的查阅消费者行为的资料,对消费者行为作了基本概念的论述,并对大学生服饰消费行为的基本概念作了界定。以马斯洛需求层次学说为理论基础,分析大学生服饰消费的需求,并赋予其基本的概念。 第三部分,设计调查问卷,运用问卷调查法做了市场调研,随机抽取的陕西10所高校的400名大学生做了问卷调查,得到大量的可靠数据。分析出大学生在购买服装时的经济实力是以经济实惠为主,以及他们在服饰消费的过程中有着内外因素的制约,同时影响当代大学生服饰购买决策过程的因素有哪些。 第四部分,通过第三部分的数据分析,可以找出大学生在服装消费过程中的动机,从大学生的大一、大二大三、大四三个阶段分析对服饰的心理需求的不同,了解他们的消费心理特点,最终制定出大学生的服饰消费行为的新模式。 第五部分,随着经济的发展,服装品牌也越来越多,但针对于大学生的服装品牌少之又少,而大学生的人数不断增加。在这样的情况下,企业面对大学生的服装市场又该何去何从。可从两个方面分析:一是服装品牌面对消费群体的细致划分,使更多的服装企业走上品牌多元化的道路;二是对现有品牌做的一些改进策略。
[Abstract]:Food and clothing is a necessity in people's daily life. Similarly, consumption behavior is an important activity that is accompanied by people's life and social development. It is an important prerequisite for the development of social production history. Under the rapid economic development of today's society, the overall culture and consumption level of the people have been improved, and the number of college students is increasing rapidly year by year. Under the basic national conditions of our country, most family structure changes, the only child families are more and more, each family is willing to let their children enter colleges and universities, accept higher education, and the proportion of the consumption of college students is increasing in the family consumption. In our universities, the clothing consumption of the students is important in the monthly expenditure quota. One of the components, college students' attitude to life has always been free and free, and the demand for clothing also has a strong autonomy and self-awareness. Therefore, to grasp the characteristics of a series of psychological and consumer behavior of College Students' consumption demand, motivation and so on, make out the pattern of clothing consumption behavior of college students, so that enterprises should be based on this characteristic. It is a new topic to study the clothing market of college students by combining the consumer psychology and consumption behavior with them to form a complete concept.
This paper is based on the theory of consumer behavior and consumer psychology. Through questionnaire survey, data collection, analysis, and so on, this paper studies the clothing consumption behavior and demand of the special group of college students, designs a questionnaire survey on the demand and consumption behavior of college students, and finds out a large number of 400 students in 10 colleges and universities in Shaanxi. After the investigation and analysis of the data, we find out the psychological characteristics of the consumption of the college students' clothing, and get the mode of the behavior of the clothing consumption of the college students, which makes the enterprises better grasp the large clothing market of the college students and understand their consumption psychology and needs.
The full text is divided into five parts.
The first part, the research background, the present situation, the method and the purpose of the study on the consumption behavior and demand of the university students, which is the significance of the research.
The second part, a large number of information on consumer behavior, the basic concept of consumer behavior is discussed, and the basic concepts of College Students' clothing consumption behavior are defined. Based on the theory of Maslow's demand level, the demand of College Students' clothing consumption is analyzed and the basic concepts are given.
The third part, the design questionnaire, the use of the questionnaire survey method to do market research, randomly selected 400 college students in 10 colleges and universities in Shaanxi to do a questionnaire survey, and get a large number of reliable data. The analysis shows that the economic strength of college students in the purchase of clothing is mainly economic and they have internal and external factors in the process of clothing consumption. What are the factors restricting the decision making process of contemporary college students' clothing purchase?
The fourth part, through the analysis of the third parts of the data, we can find out the motivation of college students in the process of clothing consumption. From the freshmen, the second big three and the big 43 stages, we can analyze the different psychological needs of the clothing, understand their consumption psychological characteristics, and finally formulate a new pattern of the clothing consumption behavior of the college students.
The fifth part, with the development of the economy, the clothing brand is more and more, but the needles for the college students are fewer and fewer clothing brands, and the number of college students is increasing. In this case, the enterprises face the clothing market in the face of college students and what to do. The first is the detailed description of the clothing brand in the face of the consumer group. To make more clothing enterprises take the road of brand diversification, and the two is to make some improvement strategies for existing brands.


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