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发布时间:2018-05-19 22:06

  本文选题:中国 + 美国 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:学生事务管理是指各个高校通过对学生的科学指导和规范约束以及人性化服务,从而有效促进学生的全面良好发展的相关组织活动。目前,各国的高校都十分重视学生事务的管理工作,学生事务管理已经成为高等教育管理不可或缺的重要组成,并日益受到越来越多的关注。作为世界上高等教育发展最完善的国家之一,美国高校的学生事务管理工作已经具有一百多年的历史,长期的研究与实践使得美国的高校学生事务管理工作一直走在世界的前列,具有极强的专业性。相较之下,我国的高校学生事务管理起步较晚,工作理念不够科学合理,相关的制度体系不够完善、工作形式和方法也缺乏专业性,且缺乏一支专业的管理队伍,发展的速度也较慢。于是,将中美两国的高校学生事务管理进行对比,努力发现自身管理工作存在的弊端,然后进行深刻反思,并积极采取相关措施进行改善已成为当务之急。 本论文一共分为四个部分: 第一部分是含义概括。结合现有理论研究,对高校学生事务管理的概念进行界定,并介绍学生事务管理的大致演变历程,并对学生事务管理工作的具体定位和重要意义进行总结。 第二部分是特点总结及比较分析。结合实际理论和实践,概括了高校学生事务管理的普遍性特点。各个国家的高等教育理念和特色都各不相同,但在学生事务管理方面却具有共性,所以高校学生事务的管理具有一些普遍性的特点。高校学生事务管理经历了较长时间的发展,从严格指导的形式,发展到重视学生的全面发展的阶段。目前,大家普遍认为高校学生事务管理应该充分一学生为根本,提倡人性化的管理,管理方式已经从专制逐步发展为人性化和民主化。另外,高校学生事务管理的管理方式也在不断的发展完善,更加科学化、合理化,而具体的管理内容也日益丰富。同时,高校学生事务管理还具有明显的地域性文化性特点,受各国的文化背景和实际社会环境的影响较大,具有较为明显的历史惯性和民族特色。 通过中美两国高校学生事务管理工作各个方面的对比,分析我国高校学生事务管理与美国之间的差距及存在的问题。具体对比的方面有基本观念和工作目标、体制建设、具体的工作内容和方式,以及组织结构和队伍建设,还有制度体系,法律约束等。通过对比发现,,我国的高校学生事务管理工作与美国相对存在较大的差距,存在诸多亟待解决的问题,需要我们重视起来,并在今后的学生事务管理工作中积极予以解决。 第三部分是案例研究。选择美国堪萨斯州立大学作为研究对象。该校是一所获得广泛国际认可的综合性学校,为全世界的莘莘学子提供了多样化的优秀课程,并在学生事务管理方面有着较好的发展,极富美国特色,极具代表性和典型性。我们从堪萨斯州立大学在学生事务管理方面的基本理念入手,对其学生事务管理工作的组织机构与运行模式进行分析,并对该校极具特色的学生事务管理工作进行了详细的分析。 第四部分是研究反思。在客观面对我国高校学生事务管理工作的实际情况,并积极借鉴美国高校学生事务管理工作的实践经验的基础上,对本文的研究结果进行总结,对我国的高校学生事务管理进行思考,寻找切实可行的完善途径:首先,我国的各个高校要从根本上转变管理理念,并建立起科学完善的理论体系,切实以学生为中心,积极调整工作的重心,积极采取多种手段促进学生的全面发展。同时还要加强对管理队伍的建设力度,加大资金投入,从而打造专业化的工作队伍。另外,完善学生事务管理方面的规章制度也是必不可少的,一定要明确职责范围,规范管理程序,科学合理的开展各项管理工作。而且,各高校还应该尽可能多的为学生提供多元化的事务项目,建立多样化的实践平台,引导学生积极参与到自身事务的管理工作中来。 在对高校学生事务进行管理的过程中,我们要时刻以学生为中心,围绕学生的实际发展需求来开展各项学生事务管理工作,以促进学生的全面发展。本研究对与我国高校学生息息相关的事务管理工作进行了分析和研究,为我国的学生事务管理工作提供了改革的方法,为广大高校完善自身学生事务管理工作提供了参考。
[Abstract]:The management of students' affairs refers to the related organizational activities that all colleges and universities can effectively promote the comprehensive and good development of the students through the scientific guidance and standardization of the students and the humanistic service. At present, universities in various countries attach great importance to the management of student affairs, and the management of students' affairs has become an indispensable part of the management of higher education. As one of the most perfect countries in the development of higher education in the world, the student affairs management of American colleges and universities has a history of more than 100 years. Long term research and practice make American college student affairs management work in the forefront of the world and have very strong specialties. In contrast, the University Student Affairs Management in our country starts late, the work idea is not scientific and reasonable, the related system system is not perfect, the work form and method are also lack of professionalism, and lack of a professional management team, and the speed of development is slow. It is a pressing matter of the moment to find out the drawbacks of self management, and then carry on deep reflection and take relevant measures to improve it.
This paper is divided into four parts:
The first part is the summary of the meaning. Combined with the existing theoretical research, the concept of college student affairs management is defined, and the general evolution process of student affairs management is introduced, and the specific positioning and significance of student affairs management are summarized.
The second part is the characteristic summary and the comparative analysis. Combined with the practical theory and practice, the general characteristics of the university student affairs management are summarized. The concepts and characteristics of higher education in various countries are different, but they have common characteristics in the management of students' affairs, so the management of College Students' affairs has some common characteristics. The student affairs management has undergone a long period of development, from the form of strict guidance to the stage of the full development of the students. At present, it is generally believed that the management of students' affairs in Colleges and universities should be full of a student and advocate the humanized management, and the management mode has been gradually developed from autocracy to humanization and democratization. The management mode of the school student affairs management has also been constantly developed and perfected, more scientific and reasonable, and the specific management content is increasingly rich. At the same time, the university student affairs management also has obvious regional and cultural characteristics, which is greatly influenced by the cultural background and the actual social environment of various countries, and has a more obvious historical inertia. And national characteristics.
Through the comparison of the various aspects of College Student Affairs Management in China and the United States, the gap and the existing problems between the management of College Students' affairs and the United States in the United States are analyzed. The concrete contrastive aspects include basic concepts and work objectives, system construction, specific work contents and methods, and the organizational structure and team construction, and the system system, It is found that there is a relatively large gap between China's college student affairs management and the United States, and there are many problems to be solved urgently. We need to pay attention to it and solve the problem actively in the future work of student affairs management.
The third part is case study. Choose the Kansas State University as an object of study. The school is a comprehensive and internationally recognized comprehensive school that provides a variety of excellent courses for students all over the world, and has a good development in the management of student affairs, very American characteristics, highly representative and typical. Starting with the basic concept of Student Affairs Management in Kansas State University, we analyze the organization and operation mode of the student affairs management, and make a detailed analysis of the special student affairs management work of the school.
The fourth part is the study and reflection. On the basis of the actual situation of the University Student Affairs Management in our country, and on the basis of the practical experience of the American college student affairs management, this paper summarizes the results of this study, and thinks about the management of the college student affairs in our country, looking for a practical and perfect way: first, the first way is to find a practical and perfect way. First, all colleges and universities in China should fundamentally change management ideas, establish a scientific and perfect theoretical system, take students as the center, actively adjust the focus of work, and actively adopt various means to promote the overall development of students. At the same time, we should strengthen the construction of the management team, increase the investment of funds, and thus create professional work. In addition, it is also essential to improve the rules and regulations of student affairs management. It is necessary to clarify the scope of responsibility, standardize the management procedures, and carry out various management work scientifically and rationally. Moreover, the universities should also provide the students with as many diversified business projects as possible, establish a diversified practice platform and guide the students to accumulate. They are very involved in the management of their own affairs.
In the process of managing students' affairs in Colleges and universities, we should take students as the center and carry out all student affairs management work around the actual development needs of the students in order to promote the overall development of students. This research has carried on the analysis and research to the affairs management work closely related to the students of our country's colleges and universities, for the student affairs of our country. The management reform provides a reference for universities to improve their student affairs management.


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