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发布时间:2018-05-21 21:35

  本文选题:高校辅导员 + 参与 ; 参考:《东北大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:College students are faced with many problems about the development of body and mind, employment and emotion. If they can not adjust their mental state well, it will lead to the obstacle of psychological development. College counselors are in the front line of college students' education, close to the students' daily life, easy to know and understand the students' daily life state, and bear the unshirkable responsibility for the psychological crisis intervention of college students. Therefore, college counselors participate in the intervention of college students' psychological crisis, act as the discoverers of the psychological crisis of college students, and coordinate the handling of psychological crisis events. The role of concern and positive influence of psychological crisis intervention in the latter stage of psychological crisis intervention has unique advantages. This paper will study the intervention of college counselors in college students'psychological crisis. This paper is divided into six chapters, the first chapter is the introduction part, mainly expounds the purpose and significance of this topic, and summarizes the intervention of college counselors in college students' psychological crisis both at home and abroad. The second chapter is an overview part, which mainly explains the theoretical content of the role theory used in this paper, the role requirements of college counselors in the process of college students' psychological crisis intervention and the role they play. The third chapter mainly analyzes the role played by college counselors in the process of college students' psychological crisis intervention and the clear purpose of participation at present. At the same time, it analyzes the intervention methods of college counselors' participation. The fourth chapter analyzes a series of problems and reasons in the process of college counselors participating in the psychological crisis of college students, including the lack of understanding of college counselors, the low enthusiasm of counselors and the insufficient quality of counselors themselves. The fifth chapter is to put forward some suggestions on the problems of counselors' participation in the process of intervention, mainly including policy support and strengthening leadership, training counselors in a planned way, strengthening exercise in practice, setting up a relaxed environment and so on. The sixth chapter is the conclusion part, which further explains the importance of college counselors participating in the psychological crisis intervention of college students and the prospects for the future. This paper combines literature review method, interview method, qualitative research with quantitative research. The innovation lies in the combination of college counselors' management to college students, college counselors' management, psychology and management methods. This paper studies the present situation and ways of college counselors' participation in psychological crisis intervention of college students, as well as the problems in the process of college counselors' attention, counselors' ability, work attitude and so on, and puts forward corresponding solutions to the problems. In order to find a real solution to the psychological crisis of college students.


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