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发布时间:2018-05-23 22:23

  本文选题:新建本科院校 + 大学校园文化 ; 参考:《浙江理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学作为一个文化组织,文化是其赖以生存和发展的重要根基和血脉,也是重要的标志和特色。大学校园文化是指在大学环境中,学校管理人员、老师、学生以及所有工作人员在教育、管理、学习等活动中形成的物质财富、精神财富等及其形成过程的总和,它是一个沉淀、积累的过程,并且不断承前启后、创新发展。大学校园文化对内具有导向约束、凝聚激励、陶冶塑造等功能,对外具有创新、推动、辐射等功能,对于大学本身乃至周边地区都具有重要的作用。 随着我国高等教育的发展,一批新建本科院校应运而生。由于办学历史、办学条件、社会环境等因素影响,相比其他本科院校,新建本科院校在校园文化建设上存在更多和更新的问题,比如不同文化冲突和融合、本科教学质量的争议、制度管理的整合和创建等等,在近几年的实践中,对于这些问题的解决虽然收到了一定的效果,但是,依然还有许多值得研究和探索的空间。 因此,对新建本科院校校园文化现状和未来进行创新性分析和指导具有重要的现实意义,本文研究即是在这种理念指导下展开的。论文采用定性和定量分析法,通过对文献的阅读、对高校师生的访谈等搜集资料,对新建本科院校校园文化的现状进行描述,指出了问题存在的原因。借鉴运用了来自企业组织文化的测量工具——OCAI对选取的多所新建本科院校进行调查,获取了第一手宝贵资料。通过对资料的整理、分析、研究,确定了新建本科院校校园文化建设方向和原则,提出了建设措施。同时,为了使研究结果和建议更具实践意义,本文结合与校园文化结伴而行的思想政治教育,,对校园文化措施提出有针对性的建议。
[Abstract]:As a cultural organization, culture is an important foundation and blood for its survival and development, as well as an important symbol and feature. Campus culture refers to the sum of the material wealth, spiritual wealth, etc., and the forming process of the school administrators, teachers, students and all the staff in the university environment in the activities of education, management, study, etc. It is a precipitation, accumulation process, and continue to carry forward the future, innovation and development. The university campus culture has the functions of guidance and restriction, agglomeration, encouragement, edification and molding, and has the functions of innovation, promotion, radiation and so on, which plays an important role in the university itself and even in the surrounding areas. With the development of higher education in our country, a number of newly-built colleges and universities have emerged as the times require. Due to the influence of factors such as school history, school conditions, social environment, and so on, compared with other undergraduate colleges, newly-built colleges and universities have more and more problems in campus culture construction, such as the conflict and integration of different cultures. The controversy of undergraduate teaching quality, the integration and establishment of system management, etc., in the practice of recent years, although the solution to these problems has received certain results, there is still much room for study and exploration. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to analyze and guide the current situation and future of campus culture in newly-built undergraduate colleges and universities. The research in this paper is carried out under the guidance of this idea. By means of qualitative and quantitative analysis, through reading literature and interviewing teachers and students in colleges and universities, this paper describes the current situation of campus culture in newly established colleges and universities, and points out the reasons for the problems. By using OCAI, a measuring tool from enterprise organizational culture, to investigate many newly established undergraduate colleges and universities, the first-hand valuable information is obtained. In this paper, the direction and principle of campus culture construction in newly-built undergraduate colleges are determined, and the construction measures are put forward by sorting out, analyzing and studying the materials. At the same time, in order to make the research results and suggestions more practical significance, this paper combines the ideological and political education with campus culture, and puts forward targeted suggestions on campus cultural measures.


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