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发布时间:2018-05-24 10:05

  本文选题:高校教师 + 申诉制度 ; 参考:《中南民族大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会经济体制的转型,高校自主办学权逐步得到落实,我国《高等教育法》规定高校具备独立的法人资格,高校对教师的评聘、配备、考核等事项有自主管理的权力。在学校对教师的一系列管理中,不可能尽善尽美地照顾到每位教师的权力,难免会产生各种纠纷。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》中要求“尊重教师权利,加强教师管理”、“健全符合法治原则的教育救济制度”。教育申诉制度是一项法定的行政申诉制度,它与教育行政复议、教育行政诉讼既有联系,又有区别,同为处理教育纠纷、教育维权的重要法律途径。高校教师申诉制度则是高校教师对教育管理中的侵权行为寻求法律保护的最佳途径,随着高校管理体制全面改革的深入,已经越来越受到教师们的关注和教育行政管理部门的重视。 本研究立足于对高校教师申诉程序的合理性研究,不涉及具体的技术研究。通过对12所样本高校部分教师(以一线教师和行政管理人员为主)的问卷调查,结果显示目前我国教师申诉制度在实施中存在的主要问题为程序的不合理,表现为:缺乏相应的规章制度和专门的受理机构;教师和行政人员缺乏对申诉制度的了解;申诉程序不透明,申诉结果的公正性遭质疑;申诉途径不通畅,申诉处理的效率无保障。 因此,发展和完善高校教师申诉制度使其能真正实现对教师侵权行为的法律救济功能,构建适应我国的高校教师申诉制度极具重要性,而申诉程序的合理又是整个制度的核心价值体现。本文通过对马克斯韦伯合理性理论及西方程序价值理论的分析,将申诉程序的合理分解为价值合理和技术合理(工具合理)两个方面,即公正与人道、效率与可操作性四个纬度。在对这四个纬度的源流和内涵进行探析后,将公正、人道、效率和可操作性定为判断程序合理的四项原则,,并论述了它们在高校教师申诉程序中的体现和要求。 围绕上述四项原则,结合我国高校的实际情况,本文提出了围绕程序合理来构建高校教师申诉制度的五条路径:制定和完善国家法律和大学内部管理制度,为教师申诉提供基本法律保障;合理设置教师申诉的受理机构,为教师申诉提供组织基础;设计多样化的申诉处理程序,为教师申诉提供多重选择;建立有效的监督机制,为教师申诉过程公开提供保障平台;高校和行政人员要努力转变管理观念,为教师申诉提供通畅渠道。
[Abstract]:With the transformation of the social and economic system, the independent right to run a school has been gradually carried out. The higher Education Law of our country stipulates that colleges and universities have independent legal personality, and colleges and universities have the power to independently manage such matters as the evaluation, allocation and examination of teachers. In the course of the school's management of teachers, it is impossible to take care of every teacher's rights in a perfect way, and it is inevitable that various disputes will arise. "respect for teachers' rights is required in the outline of the National Medium- and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan 2010-2020". To strengthen the management of teachers and to improve the educational relief system in line with the principle of rule of law. The educational appeal system is a statutory administrative appeal system, which is an important legal way to deal with educational disputes and to safeguard the rights of education. The appeal system of college teachers is the best way for college teachers to seek legal protection for the tort in education management. With the thorough reform of the management system in colleges and universities, It has been paid more and more attention by teachers and educational administration departments. This research is based on the research on the rationality of the complaint procedure of university teachers, and does not involve specific technical research. Through the questionnaire survey of some teachers (mainly front-line teachers and administrators) in 12 sample universities, the results show that the main problems existing in the implementation of the teacher complaint system in our country are unreasonable procedures. They are: lack of corresponding rules and regulations and specialized institutions for accepting complaints; lack of understanding of the complaint system among teachers and administrators; lack of transparency in the complaint process; the fairness of the outcome of the complaint is questioned; and the channels of complaint are not smooth, The efficiency of handling complaints is not guaranteed. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop and perfect the appeal system of college teachers so that it can truly realize the function of legal relief to teachers' tort, and to construct a system suitable for our country. The reasonableness of the appeal procedure is the core value of the whole system. Based on the analysis of Max Weber's rationality theory and western procedural value theory, this paper divides the appeal procedure into two aspects: reasonable value and reasonable technology (reasonable tools), that is, justice and humanity. Efficiency and maneuverability are four latitudes. After analyzing the origin and connotation of these four latitudes, the author regards justice, humanity, efficiency and operability as the four principles of reasonable judgment procedure, and discusses their embodiment and requirements in the appeal procedure of university teachers. On the basis of the above four principles and the actual situation of colleges and universities in China, this paper puts forward five ways to construct the appeal system of university teachers according to the reasonable procedure: to formulate and perfect the national laws and the internal management system of universities. To provide basic legal protection for teachers' complaints; to set up a reasonable organization for teachers' complaints, to provide an organizational basis for teachers' complaints; to design diversified complaints processing procedures to provide multiple choices for teachers' complaints; and to establish an effective supervisory mechanism. Colleges and administrators should try their best to change the management concept and provide a smooth channel for teachers' complaints.


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