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发布时间:2018-05-24 12:43

  本文选题:大学生创业 + 政府政策 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:College students'Entrepreneurship is a hot issue, which has received extensive attention from the government, universities and society. Comrade Hu Jintao stressed in the report of the 17th National Congress that the strategy of "promoting employment by starting a business" and "actively doing the employment work of college graduates" should be carried out. College students' entrepreneurship is not only a way for college graduates to choose a job, but also a kind of "high growth entrepreneurship", which plays an important role in promoting economic growth through scientific and technological progress. It is of great significance for the government to formulate scientific and reasonable policies to support university students to start a business, to solve the problem of "difficult employment" for college students, to maintain social stability, to improve the national independent innovation ability, to build an innovative country and to build a harmonious society. This paper reviews and analyzes the relevant research achievements of domestic and foreign scholars, and expounds the necessity and importance of our government supporting college students' entrepreneurship from three angles: the theory of scientific development view, the theory of new public service and the theory of market failure. This paper focuses on the overall entrepreneurial environment of our country, the entrepreneurial environment of college students, the entrepreneurial identity of college students, as well as the entrepreneurial policy environment of college students to analyze the environmental situation and existing problems faced by domestic college students' entrepreneurship. On this basis, this paper explores and designs a macro policy model of "one center, two systems and three supports" for college students' entrepreneurship, that is, college students' entrepreneurship policy should optimize the entrepreneurial environment of college students and reduce the obstacles to college students' entrepreneurship. The core goal of promoting college students' entrepreneurship is to set up a policy system of entrepreneurship education for college students, and to construct an organizational system of entrepreneurial service for college students, which is coordinated by the government and participated by universities and the society. At the same time, it establishes the operation mechanism of venture capital market, the supporting system of entrepreneurship education for college students and the transformation mechanism of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities. This paper selects Shanghai University Student Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Fund as a case to further demonstrate and explain the policy design, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions from the perspective of policy ecology, which should serve the development of entrepreneurship for all. At the same time, pay attention to the policy coordination and convergence with small and medium enterprises.


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