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发布时间:2018-05-24 13:33

  本文选题:师范生 + 教育实习 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:High-quality, professional teaching team is to promote the quality of education, good development of the source power. With the further development of the basic education curriculum reform and the continuous improvement of the social demand for talent training, the professional development of teachers has increasingly become a hot spot of academic circles at home and abroad. Teaching practice is one of the important courses in the pre-service training stage of normal school students, and it is the main way to improve the students' educational practice ability. At present, there have been a lot of researches on the problems related to educational practice at home and abroad, but there are few studies on the growth value of normal students based on the key events of educational practice. This paper takes the key events recorded by some normal students in Northeast normal University to participate in the educational practice in Northeast normal University as the data of teaching innovation in Northeast normal University. Through induction and analysis, according to different standards, the key events of educational practice of normal school students are classified, and the attributes and characteristics of the key events of different types of educational practice are described. It reveals the behavior and psychological reaction of normal school students to different kinds of key events of educational practice, and on this basis, with the interview of event recorder, the author draws the conclusion that the key events of education practice are of value to the professional growth of normal school students. And forms the normal university education practice the quality promotion strategy and the suggestion. This research consists of eight parts: the first part: introduction. This part mainly introduces the origin of this study, the purpose of the study, the problems of the study and the theoretical and practical significance of this study. The second part: domestic and foreign related research review. This part summarizes the research results and situation from the macro and micro perspectives, and makes a review, which lays a theoretical foundation for the development of this study. The third part: the summary of the key events of educational practice and teachers' professional growth. This part defines and interprets the concept and connotation of the key events of educational practice, and introduces and explains the objectives, contents, ways of implementation and the connotation, types, contents and ways of teachers' professional growth. The fourth part: research design and research process. This part illustrates the research design, research ideas and research implementation process. It includes the establishment of research hypotheses, the selection of research objects, the selection of research methods, the development of research process, and the formulation of sampling standards and sampling principles. The fifth part: the classification of the key events in education practice of normal school students. This part tracks, collects and analyzes the record of the key events in education practice of normal school students, and classifies the key events of education practice according to different classification standards, and describes the characteristics of the key events in different types of educational practice. The sixth part: based on different types of educational practice key events of the characteristics of normal students reaction. This part studies the psychological and behavioral behavior of normal school students to different types of key events of educational practice, summarizes the psychological and behavioral characteristics of normal school students to different types of key events of educational practice, and makes an example and analysis of this. The seventh part: the analysis of the growth value of the key events in the education practice of normal school students. Based on the conclusion of the previous study, this part discusses the key events of education practice on the basis of in-depth interviews, and puts forward the value of the key events of education practice to the growth of normal school students. Part eight: reflection and suggestion. This part is based on the content description of the key events of normal college students' educational practice, the conclusion of the research and the results of the interview feedback of normal college students, and forms the strategies and suggestions for improving the quality of education practice in normal universities, so as to perfect the arrangement of educational practice. To optimize the implementation of educational practice, to establish a quality assurance mechanism for educational practice to provide a reference.


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