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发布时间:2018-05-24 18:42

  本文选题:协同创新 + 大学科技园 ; 参考:《南京工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自建国以来,大学与企业的关系大致经历了三个阶段:第一阶段,教育为无产阶级、为政治服务,广大师生下企业,实习锻炼;第二阶段,,从20多年前开始,有些教师创办校办企业和创业型企业。经历锻炼后,有些企业成长壮大起来,但有些未能延续;现在正在萌发第三阶段,即大学和企业协同创新阶段。当今世界政治经济形势的变化,正在酝酿着科技和教育突破性发展的新格局,全球即将进入创新密集的大时代。在这一背景下,中国的高水平大学将迎来前所未有的机遇和挑战。2011年4月24日,胡锦涛同志在清华大学百年校庆上提出的“协同创新”思路,以及由此思路展开的“2011计划”,提出高校要有足够的魄力和远见,站在创新型国家建设的高度,瞄准国家需求,做好顶层设计;依托优势学科和学科集群,与科研院所、行业企业开展深度合作,建立一批协同创新的重大平台;逐步成为具有国际重大影响的学术高地、行业产业核心共性技术的研发基地、区域创新发展的引领阵地和文化传承创新的主力阵营,支撑国家创新发展;高校要有足够的胆识和胸襟,站在科技体制机制改革的前沿,打破“封闭、分散、低效”的格局;充分发挥高校多学科、多功能的优势,积极联合国内外创新力量,有效整合创新资源,促进创新要素的有机融合和优质资源的全面共享,构建协同创新的新模式和新机制,引领科技体制机制改革创新。在这种背景下,大学科技园作为产学研合作的有效途径,成为当前提高国家创新能力的重要方面。 本文正是在这种背景之下,将大学科技园的发展放在协同创新的视角下来研究。关于大学科技园,许多学者专家都作了比较深入的探讨,因此本文参考了大量的国内外文献的基础上,总结出本文的理论基础:协同学和耗散结构理论、创新与协同创新、三螺旋理论、增长极理论、孵化器理论。结合我国建国以来的科技发展历程和大学职能的转变,可以看出大学科技园的发展在我国国家创新体系中的重要位置,进而本文选取典型例子,分析了美国硅谷和英国剑桥科技园的发 展历程,并总结出各自所处的文化、政治、经济环境和各自的发展经验。最后本文通过分析国内大学科技园的现状并与国外状况进行对比分析,结合协同创新理论和我国科技经济发展现状,提出对我国大学科技园的发展建议。建议主要提出大学科技园的发展应该注意三方面的协同:大学科技园官、产、学三主体之间的协同;园区内企业间、园区与外界、园区之间的协同;中介组织之间的协同。并对大学科技园发展中的风险投资行业发展、人才激励管理等做了分析和建议。
[Abstract]:Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the relationship between universities and enterprises has gone through three stages: the first stage, education for the proletariat, the service for politics, the majority of teachers and students in enterprises, and the practice exercise; the second stage, which began more than 20 years ago, Some teachers set up school-run enterprises and entrepreneurial enterprises. After training, some enterprises grow and grow, but some fail to continue; now the third stage, the stage of collaborative innovation between universities and enterprises, is springing up. With the change of world political and economic situation, a new pattern of breakthrough development of science, technology and education is brewing, and the world is about to enter an era of intensive innovation. In this context, China's high-level universities will face unprecedented opportunities and challenges. On April 24, 2011, Comrade Hu Jintao put forward the idea of "collaborative innovation" at the 100th anniversary of Tsinghua University, and the "2011 Project". It is proposed that colleges and universities should have enough courage and foresight, stand at the height of innovative national construction, aim at the needs of the country, do a good job in top-level design, rely on superior disciplines and subject clusters, and carry out in-depth cooperation with scientific research institutes and industry enterprises. To establish a group of major platforms for collaborative innovation; to gradually become an academic highland with major international influence, a research and development base for common technologies at the core of industry, a leading position for regional innovation and development and a major camp for cultural heritage and innovation, To support the innovation and development of the country, colleges and universities should have enough courage and mind to stand at the forefront of the reform of the scientific and technological system and mechanism, break the pattern of "closure, dispersion, and low efficiency", and give full play to the advantages of multi-disciplinary and multi-functional colleges and universities. Active innovative forces inside and outside the United Nations, effectively integrating innovative resources, promoting organic integration of innovation elements and overall sharing of high-quality resources, constructing new modes and mechanisms of collaborative innovation, leading the reform and innovation of scientific and technological system and mechanism. Under this background, as an effective way of cooperation between industry, college and research, university science and technology park has become an important aspect to improve the national innovation ability. Under this background, this paper studies the development of University Science Park from the perspective of collaborative innovation. On the university science and technology park, many scholars and experts have made a more in-depth discussion, so this paper has consulted a large number of domestic and foreign literature, summed up the theoretical basis of this paper: Synergetics and dissipative structure theory, innovation and collaborative innovation, Three helix theory, growth pole theory, incubator theory. Combined with the development of science and technology since the founding of our country and the transformation of university functions, we can see the important position of the development of university science and technology park in the national innovation system of our country. This paper analyzes the development of Silicon Valley and Cambridge Science Park in the United States. The course of the exhibition, and summed up their respective cultural, political, economic environment and their own development experience. Finally, by analyzing the present situation of domestic university science and technology park and comparing it with foreign countries, combining the theory of cooperative innovation and the present situation of science and technology economy development of our country, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the development of university science and technology park in our country. It is suggested that the development of the university science and technology park should pay attention to three aspects of coordination: the cooperation among the three subjects of the university science and technology park, the cooperation among the enterprises in the park, the cooperation between the park and the outside world, and the coordination among the intermediary organizations. It also analyzes the development of venture capital industry and talent incentive management in the development of university science and technology park.


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