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发布时间:2018-05-26 18:30

  本文选题:地方高校 + 青年教师 ; 参考:《长江大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自从中国1999年扩招以来,教师资源短缺成为各高校面临的重要问题。为了缓解这一状况,许多高校不断引进教师。近十几年来,教师队伍在不断壮大,尤其是青年教师数量在不断增加。地方高校作为我国高校重要组成部分,青年教师的数量已经超过专任教师总数量的一半。青年教师已经成为地方高校师资队伍的重要力量,将承担着高校教学、科研和管理的重任,成为地方高校教师队伍的中坚力量。地方高校未来的发展,很大程度上依赖于这批青年教师。因此,如何促进青年教师的专业发展,不断提高青年教师队伍质量与水平,已经成为地方高校面临的一个重要问题。 高校教师的专业发展是指高校教师在其职业生涯过程中,通过各种的途径,不断提高自身专业知识、能力和素质的专业成长过程,这也是高校教师专业自我的形成过程。高校教师的专业自我并不会自发形成,它需要有计划有组织的培育。遵循教师专业发展的阶段性规律,依据学校学科专业发展需求和现有青年教师的专业化发展的实际,科学制定切实可行的青年教师专业发展的规划,对青年教师的发展显得尤其重要。然而,在现实教师管理实践中,无论是青年教师还是人事管理部门,对青年教师发展问题还不够重视。表现在:一是青年教师发展缺乏长期规划。青年教师比较关注是教学工作量、发表论文、学历提高和职称晋升,对自己专业如何发展缺乏考虑和规划;二是学校人事管理部门对青年教师的专业发展缺乏指导。学校管理部门和院系领导关注人才引进,学历比例提升,教学和科研任务的完成,很少根据学校发展和学科专业发展需求和青年教师的个性特长与潜在优势进行专业方向定位和发展学习指导。 在当今高校竞争尤其是人才竞争日益激烈的情况下,如何稳定和加快发展青年教师队伍,对地方高校生存与发展尤其重要。大学青年教师处于人生职业发展的重要阶段,科学合理的制定专业发展规划,不仅有助于规划自己发展未来,明确自己事业发展目标,准确把握自己专业发展方向,而且使自己远大理想更具有操作性。 本研究以地方高校青年教师为研究对象,依据教师职业生涯的阶段性理论,从当前青年教师专业发展的实际情况出发,通过查阅文献、问卷调查和案例分析,搜集大量的实际数据,分析了青年教师专业发展的现状以及存在的问题,总结问题成因,给出了一定的建议。本研究的结论如下: 一、地方高校青年教师的专业发展是专业知识、专业能力和专业精神三者的和谐统一。青年教师的专业发展阶段可以划分为职前准备期、入职求存期、在职胜任期和歧变再评期四个阶段。 二、地方高校青年教师专业发展主要存在以下几点问题:一是青年教师专业自我发展意识不强,二是青年教师的专业发展制度不完善,三是青年教师专业发展环境不够优化。地方高校青年教师专业发展中存在诸多问题,其原因是多方面的,既有教师主观方面的原因,又有基于制度和物质层面的原因。 三、青年教师专业发展的实现,不是一个随意的过程,既需要制定确定的发展规划指导,又要有具体的发展策略。不仅需要组织的支持与帮助,而且需要青年教师自己努力。促进地方高校青年教师专业发展的对策具体包括以下几个方面:首先,科学合理制定专业发展总体规划;其次,明确不同发展阶段的专业发展要求;再次,建立保障青年教师专业发展的机制;最后,构建青年教师专业发展的外部环境。 总之,在借鉴国内外先进经验的基础上,不仅青年教师自身要有较强的自主发展意识,地方高校也必须为青年教师提供良好的条件,搭建适宜的发展平台,建立保障青年教师专业发展的机制才能更好的促进青年教师的专业发展。
[Abstract]:Since the expansion of China's enrollment in 1999, the shortage of teachers has become an important issue for colleges and universities. In order to alleviate this situation, many colleges and universities continue to introduce teachers. In the past decade, the teachers' team is growing, especially the number of young teachers is increasing. The number of young teachers in local colleges and universities is the important part of our universities and the number of young teachers. The quantity has exceeded half of the total number of full-time teachers. Young teachers have become an important force in the teachers of local colleges and universities. They will bear the responsibility of college teaching, scientific research and management, and become the backbone of teachers in local colleges and universities. The future development of local colleges and universities is largely dependent on the young teachers. In recent years, the professional development of teachers has continuously improved the quality and level of young teachers, which has become an important issue faced by local colleges and universities.
The professional development of college teachers refers to the process of improving their professional knowledge, ability and quality through various ways during their career process. This is also the process of forming the professional self of college teachers. The professional self of college teachers will not be formed spontaneously, and it needs a planned and organized cultivation. According to the periodic law of teachers' professional development, according to the needs of the development of the subject and the professional development of the present young teachers, it is particularly important for the young teachers to develop a practical and feasible plan for the professional development of young teachers. The personnel management department does not pay enough attention to the development of young teachers. First, the lack of long-term planning for the development of young teachers. Young teachers are more concerned with the teaching work, published papers, academic qualifications and professional titles, and lack of consideration and regulation on how to develop their own specialties; two, the personnel management department of the school is a young teacher. The school management department and the department leaders are concerned about the introduction of talents, the promotion of educational background and the completion of the teaching and scientific research tasks. It is rarely based on the professional orientation and development guidance according to the development and discipline development needs of the school and the specialty of the young teachers and the potential advantages of the young teachers.
How to stabilize and accelerate the development of the team of young teachers is especially important for the survival and development of local colleges and universities. The university young teachers are in an important stage of the career development of the University. The scientific and rational development of professional development planning will not only help to plan their own future development, but also help to plan their own future. Make sure your career development goals, accurately grasp your professional development direction, and make your lofty ideal more operational.
This study takes the young teachers of local universities as the research object. According to the stage theory of the teachers' career, starting from the actual situation of the current professional development of the young teachers, we collect a lot of actual data through consulting the literature, questionnaire survey and case analysis, and analyses the present situation and problems of the professional development of the young teachers, and summarizes the problems. The conclusions of the study are as follows:
First, the professional development of the young teachers in local colleges and universities is a harmonious unity of professional knowledge, professional ability and professional spirit. The professional development stage of the young teachers can be divided into four stages: the pre service preparation period, the entry period, the in-service tenure and the disproportionate evaluation period.
Two, there are the following problems in the professional development of the young teachers in local colleges and Universities: first, the consciousness of the professional self-development of the young teachers is not strong, the two is that the professional development system of the young teachers is not perfect, and the three is that the young teachers' professional development environment is not optimized. There are many problems in the development of the young teachers' professional development in the local colleges and universities, and the reasons are many. There are both subjective and subjective reasons for teachers.
Three, the realization of the professional development of the young teachers is not a random process. It needs to make certain development planning guidance and specific development strategy. It not only needs the support and help of the organization, but also needs the young teachers to make their own efforts. The countermeasures to promote the professional development of the young teachers in local colleges and universities include the following aspects: First of all, scientific and rational development of the overall planning of professional development; secondly, to clarify the requirements of professional development at different stages of development; thirdly, to establish the mechanism to ensure the professional development of young teachers; finally, to build the external environment for the professional development of young teachers.
In conclusion, on the basis of the advanced experience at home and abroad, not only the young teachers themselves have to have a strong sense of self-development, but also the local colleges and universities must provide good conditions for young teachers, build a suitable development platform, and establish a mechanism to ensure the professional development of young teachers to better promote the professional development of young teachers.


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