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发布时间:2018-05-26 19:49

  本文选题:调查 + 媒介接触 ; 参考:《河北大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:生活在信息洪流中的我们,历史上没有任何时刻像现在一样“富有且无力”。在各类新媒体的包围中,我们轻易地获取信息,发布信息。我们娴熟的运用曾经只有专业人士才可能懂的媒介技术迅速地转变着自己的生活方式。然而在获取信息的技术门槛越发变低(智能手机的普及)的情况下,我们如何更好的利用这种便捷平台(智能手机)去利用信息、交流信息?我们如何去把握传播过程中的每一个环节?这些成为衡量当下我们是否拥有媒介技能的重要指标。 在各类媒体,,尤其是微博迅速发展的今天,在校大学生群体是我们无法忽视的一个重要群体。这些数目庞大的年轻人既是我国上网的主流人群,亦是未来媒介生活活动中最为积极的主体。微博发展到现在,对在校大学生媒介接触选择产生了巨大的影响。在这个变化过程中,他们能否提高自身的鉴别能力、提升对不良信息的过滤能力?要研究他们的信息能力,基于对他们微博等新媒体接触的调查。未来,媒介能力、媒介素养都会作为其一种新时代的必备的生活技能。可以这样说,了解和掌握在校大学生的微博接触现状,对于我们发现其中的问题,进而提出建设性的意见和改进方法起到十分重要的作用。 本文对河北省在校大学生微博接触进行了抽样调查,系统掌握了现阶段河北省在校大学生微博接触现状,通过数据分析,客观地总结出河北省在校大学生微博接触的特点,找出存在的问题和弊端,并在此基础上结合国情和国外的经验,提出从多方面来引导及加强我国在校大学生媒介素养的建议和措施。
[Abstract]:As we live in the flood of information, there is no time in history as rich and powerless. In all kinds of new media surrounded, we easily access information, publish information. Our skilful use of media technology, once understood only by professionals, is rapidly transforming our way of life. However, as the technical barriers to access to information become lower (the popularity of smartphones), how can we make better use of this convenient platform (smartphones) to use information and exchange information? How do we grasp every link in the process of communication? These are important indicators of whether or not we have media skills today. In all kinds of media, especially with the rapid development of Weibo, college students are an important group we can not ignore. These large numbers of young people are not only the mainstream internet users in China, but also the most active subjects in the future media activities. The development of Weibo now has a great influence on the media contact choice of college students. In this process, can they improve their ability to identify, improve the ability to filter bad information? To study their information capabilities, based on their Weibo and other new media contacts. In the future, media ability and media literacy will be regarded as a necessary life skill in the new era. It can be said that understanding and mastering the Weibo contact status of college students plays a very important role in finding out the problems and then putting forward constructive suggestions and improving methods. This paper makes a sampling survey on the Weibo contact of college students in Hebei Province, systematically grasps the present situation of Weibo contact among college students in Hebei Province, and objectively summarizes the characteristics of Weibo contact among college students in Hebei Province through the analysis of data. This paper finds out the existing problems and disadvantages, and on the basis of this, puts forward some suggestions and measures to guide and strengthen the media literacy of college students in our country from various aspects combined with the national conditions and the experience of foreign countries.


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