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发布时间:2018-05-27 01:26

  本文选题:身体意象 + 体育参与 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在现代社会中,人们对自己的身体给予更多关注。近年来,充满青春活力的苗条身材成为现代女性良好自我形象的标志之一。年轻女性往往因为对自己身体外形不满而影响其认知模式和行为模式。 大学生正处于青春期向成年期的过渡阶段,正在完成着人格成长过程中自我认同的发展。相对男生而言,女大学生更加注重自己的外表,对自己身体意象的满意程度也相对偏低。 目前国外关于身体意象的研究日益增多,形成了一系列较为成熟的理论体系和测量工具,而国内对此领域的研究还相对较少,针对女大学生身体意象和体育锻炼之间关系的研究还较为缺乏。 本研究采用文献综述法、问卷调查法、访谈法和图片实验等研究方法,考察女大学生身体意象和体育参与的关系,得出以下结论: 1.身体意象和体育参与之间存在着高度相关性。参与体育锻炼的积极性、锻炼强度、锻炼时间、锻炼频率以及运动量这5个因素与身体意象的总得分间存在一定关系。 2.身体意象对体育参与有显著影响。拥有良好身体意象的女大学生为了更好的保持身材,便积极地参与体育锻炼。体育锻炼参与动机对运动量有显著促进作用。 3.体育活动的参与对身体意象有显著影响。对待体育参与的态度越积极、每次锻炼强度越大、时间越长,身体意象的满意程度越高。 4.男、女大学生对女性身体意象的取向基本相同,但在个人偏好上存在差异。
[Abstract]:In modern society, people pay more attention to their bodies. In recent years, a slim figure full of youthful vitality has become one of the symbols of modern women's good self-image. Young women often affect their cognitive and behavioral patterns because they are dissatisfied with their physical appearance. College students are in the transition stage from adolescence to adulthood, and they are completing the development of self-identity in the process of personality development. Compared with male students, female college students pay more attention to their appearance and are less satisfied with their body image. At present, there are more and more researches on body image abroad, which have formed a series of mature theoretical systems and measurement tools, but there are relatively few researches in this field in China. The research on the relationship between female college students' body image and physical exercise is still lacking. In this study, literature review, questionnaire survey, interview and photo experiments were used to investigate the relationship between female college students' body image and sports participation, and the following conclusions were drawn: 1. There is a high correlation between body image and sports participation. The total score of body image is related to the enthusiasm, intensity, time, frequency and amount of exercise. 2. Body image has significant influence on sports participation. Female college students with good body image take part in physical exercise in order to keep fit. The motivation of participation in physical exercise has a significant effect on the amount of exercise. 3. The participation of physical activity has significant influence on body image. The more positive attitude to sports participation, the greater the intensity of each exercise, the longer the time, the higher the satisfaction of body image. 4. Male and female college students have the same orientation to female body image, but there are differences in personal preference.


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