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发布时间:2018-05-28 05:22

  本文选题:圣约翰大学 + 接管 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:After the liberation of Shanghai in May 1949, the new regime began to take over cultural and educational institutions under the former Kuomintang rule. Under the guidance of the relevant education departments of the Communist Party of China, St. John's University has reformed the school management, curriculum, teaching management and so on. At the same time, carry out ideological reform of the study movement, set up political lectures, learning activities such as current affairs. Gradually, new achievements have been made in curriculum construction, party and caucus building, ideological and political aspects. Teachers and students actively carried out ideological and political reform, and they also contributed to the freshmen of St. John's University. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance against US aggression and Aid Korea in 1950, New China changed its foreign policy, and church schools such as St. John's University faced a huge turnaround. However, under the guidance of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the teachers and students of the school made joint efforts to make St. John's University the first private university to register and file a case. In 1952, with the adjustment of educational policies, St. John's University was in the process of major adjustment of the departments of higher education institutions throughout the country. Specialized departments merged into other public and private universities and eventually died out. The paper discusses the takeover and transformation of St John's University after liberation in three parts. The first chapter describes the founding process of St John University and its situation before liberation, and introduces the process of St. John's University being taken over after liberation. The second chapter systematically discusses the reform of St. John's University in teaching, politics, ideology and so on. The third chapter discusses the situation after St. John University was taken over in 1950 after the outbreak of the War to resist US aggression and Aid Korea, and finally analyzes the process and reasons for the abolishment of St. John University. Based on the study of the development of St John University in the early days of the people's Republic of China, this paper has basically restored the history of St. John University at that time. Today, although St. John's University has disappeared, it was gradually taken over from 1949 to 1952, and the process of transformation and full takeover is worth studying. Through the case study of St. John's University, this paper analyzes the status of the Church University in the modernization of education and the causes of its demise. This paper summarizes the experiences and lessons gained by the Party and the government in taking over and reorganizing the church schools, which provides a useful historical reference for the future higher education in China.


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