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发布时间:2018-05-28 06:10

  本文选题:网球 + 研究生 ; 参考:《福建师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:研究生教育作为大学后教育担负着培养高层次专门人才和发展现代科学技术的双重任务。一个国家的研究生水平,常被人们视为该国科学技术发展水平的标志。网球方向研究生虽然起步较晚,发展较慢,但是同样肩负着我国网球运动项目普及与提高的重任,加大网球方向研究生培养迫在眉睫、刻不容缓。尤其是快速崛起的中国网球,更需要大批网球研究者和工作者。 本研究采用文献资料法,问卷调查法,访谈法,数理统计法,逻辑分析与归纳演绎法及访谈法等研究方法,选择了有代表性的体育院校、综合性大学、师范大学’为调查对象,对我国网球方向研究生培养这个领域进行调查分析并提出相应的对策,以期为我国网球方向研究生的培养提供一定的参考依据。 得出的主要结论有:1.我国高校网球方向研究生的培养目标不足以满足社会需求;2.我国网球方向硕士研究生课程设置仍然较为单一;3.我国网球方向导师队伍的年龄结构不太合理,年轻导师数量有限,导师人才队伍断层明显;4.研究生招生入学方面的限制条件过多,不利于更多人才深造。网球方向研究生毕业论文选题新意不够、深度不够、研究内容丰富度不够;5.我国网球方向研究生自己的研究生培养年限不太满意。大多数学生希望两年能够毕业;6.研究生对学校网球场地设施和教学情况满意度不高,同时网球方向研究生都想加入高校教师行列,从而达到学有所用。研究生对自己的专业技术能力满意度不高。大部分研究生认为专业技术教学的学时偏少,难以满足大部分学生的要求,影响研究生专业技术能力水平的提高。
[Abstract]:As a post-university education, graduate education takes on the dual task of cultivating high-level specialized talents and developing modern science and technology. The level of graduate students in a country is often regarded as a symbol of the development of science and technology in that country. Although the tennis direction graduate student starts late, the development is slower, but also shoulders our country tennis sports item popularization and the enhancement important task, increases the tennis direction graduate student training to be imminent, urgent. Especially the rapid rise of Chinese tennis, the need for a large number of tennis researchers and workers. This research adopts the methods of literature, questionnaire, interview, mathematical statistics, logical analysis and inductive deduction and interview, and chooses representative physical education colleges, comprehensive universities and normal universities as the objects of investigation. This paper makes an investigation and analysis on the field of tennis direction graduate training in China and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures in order to provide certain reference basis for the training of tennis direction graduate students in our country. The main conclusion reached was: 1. The training goal of tennis direction graduate students in Chinese universities is not enough to meet the needs of society. China's tennis direction master degree curriculum is still relatively simple. The age structure of tennis tutors in China is not reasonable, the number of young mentors is limited, and the fault of tutors is obvious. There are too many restrictions on the admission of graduate students, which is not conducive to the further study of more talents. Tennis direction graduate thesis topic new idea is not enough, the depth is not enough, the research content is not enough. Our country tennis direction graduate student own graduate student training time is not very satisfied. Most students hope to graduate in two years. The graduate students are not satisfied with the tennis court facilities and teaching conditions in the school. At the same time, the graduate students in the tennis direction want to join the ranks of university teachers, so as to achieve the purpose of learning. Graduate students are not satisfied with their professional and technical abilities. The majority of graduate students think that the teaching hours of professional technology are too small to meet the requirements of most students, which affects the improvement of the professional and technical ability of graduate students.


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