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发布时间:2018-05-28 07:37

  本文选题:心理健康 + 陕西 ; 参考:《西安工业大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The construction of teachers' ethics in colleges and universities is a hot issue in Chinese society. Strengthening the construction of teachers' ethics in colleges and universities under the new historical conditions is not only the inheritance and continuation of the traditional Chinese teachers' moral thought, but also an objective demand. The development of society needs high level of higher education to provide intellectual support, and the healthy development of higher education can not do without a high level of college teachers, and the construction of teachers' ethics is an important link in training high level teachers. From a certain point of view, the problems concerned with the construction of college teachers' ethics are often expressed in the form of teachers' psychological activities, such as teachers' working attitude, professional identity, and so on. It is the result of the interaction between the external influence and the teacher's psychology. The research on the combination of teachers' mental health and the construction of teachers' ethics is still in the primary stage in academic circles, but the research on the construction of teachers' ethics in colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province has not been related to the mentality of college teachers' mental health. In the geographical category of Shaanxi Province, this paper sums up and analyzes the problems existing in the construction of teachers' ethics in colleges and universities. On the basis of literature research, combining with the actual situation of colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province, this paper finds out the breakthrough point of teachers' psychological health in the construction of teachers' ethics in colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province, and after making clear the relationship and function between the two, Based on the current situation of college teachers' mental health and the causes of teachers' psychological alienation in Shaanxi Province, the author collected and sorted out the data, and then designed the related questionnaires. According to the collected data, this paper verifies the important influence of mental health on teachers' moral construction, and then puts forward the method system of optimizing teachers' moral construction in the level of maintaining college teachers' mental health. The research methods used include: literature method, design questionnaire method, mathematical statistics method, comparative analysis method and summary induction method.


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