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发布时间:2018-05-30 11:10

  本文选题:日本 + 大学校园文化建设 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学校园文化建设水平的高低直接关系到一个大学的未来发展前景,,深刻影响着培养适合我国社会主义事业发展人才的数量和质量。日本作为我国一衣带水的邻邦,其科学研发能力居世界前列,特别是日本的大学,有相当数量的世界一流高水平大学,其毕业生在世界尖端领域发挥重要影响,引领着世界发展的潮流。九州大学作为日本顶尖国立大学之一,因其在地理位置上与我国最近,加之又靠近朝鲜半岛,所以形成了独具特色的校园文化。改革开放三十多年来,我国大学校园文化建设在党的正确领导下,在中国特色社会主义大背景下蓬勃发展,取得了很多令人欣慰的成绩。但是面对日益复杂国际国内形势,我国大学校园文化建设也面临着许多复杂问题和挑战。本文以九州大学为研究对象,一方面我们可以认识到我国大学校园文化同世界先进大学校园文化相比存在的不足,另一方面有利于在符合中国国情的前提下总结其成功经验为我所用,探索出可以解决我国大学文化建设过程中出现的具体问题的可行方案。 本文对日本九州大学校园文化的内容进行梳理,从整体上把握九州大学校园文化的基本内容,进而总结出九州大学特有的校园文化特色,以期对我国大学校园文化建设有所启示。通过研究可知,九州大学校园文化的发展已有相当规模,但是为了谋求教育的最佳效果,九州大学校园文化建设也在不断地探索和发展。因此,本研究共分为以下三章内容: 引言:简要介绍本论文的选题原因、研究意义、研究现状和研究方法。 第一章:日本九州大学校园文化的基本内容。本章首先对大学校园文化的基础理论进行梳理,阐明校园文化建设等相关理论产生的背景,为分析九州大学校园文化做理论铺垫,随后阐述九州大学校园文化的基本内容。 第二章:日本九州大学校园文化的特色。本章从“物质”、“精神”和“制度”三方面文化入手,对九州大学的特色进行介绍和总结。 第三章:日本九州大学校园文化的借鉴价值。本章从分析我国大学校园文化建设存在的问题入手进而提出九州大学校园文化建设的借鉴价值。
[Abstract]:The level of campus culture construction is directly related to the future development prospects of a university and has a profound impact on the quantity and quality of talents suitable for the development of socialist cause in our country. As a neighboring country of China, Japan has one of the highest scientific research and development capabilities in the world. In particular, Japan's universities have a considerable number of world-class and high-level universities, and its graduates play an important role in the world's cutting-edge fields. Leading the trend of world development. Kyushu University, as one of the top national universities in Japan, has formed a unique campus culture because of its proximity to China and its proximity to the Korean Peninsula. Since the reform and opening up more than 30 years ago, under the correct leadership of the Party and under the background of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the construction of university campus culture in China has developed vigorously, and has made a lot of gratifying achievements. However, in the face of increasingly complex international and domestic situation, the construction of campus culture in China is also facing many complicated problems and challenges. This paper takes Kyushu University as the research object. On the one hand, we can recognize the shortcomings of campus culture in our country compared with the advanced campus culture in the world. On the other hand, it is beneficial to sum up its successful experience in accordance with the national conditions of China, and to explore feasible solutions to the specific problems in the process of university culture construction in China. This paper combs the content of campus culture of Kyushu University in Japan, grasps the basic content of campus culture of Kyushu University on the whole, and sums up the unique campus culture characteristics of Kyushu University. The purpose is to enlighten the construction of campus culture in our country. The research shows that the development of campus culture of Kyushu University has been quite large, but in order to seek the best effect of education, the construction of campus culture of Kyushu University is constantly exploring and developing. Therefore, this study is divided into the following three chapters: Introduction: this paper briefly introduces the reason, significance, research status and research methods. Chapter one: the basic content of campus culture of Kyushu University in Japan. This chapter firstly combs the basic theory of university campus culture, clarifies the background of campus culture construction and other related theories, lays the groundwork for the analysis of Kyushu university campus culture, and then expounds the basic content of Kyushu university campus culture. Chapter two: the characteristics of Kyushu University campus culture in Japan. This chapter introduces and summarizes the characteristics of Kyushu University from three aspects: material culture, spirit culture and system culture. Chapter three: the reference value of Kyushu University campus culture in Japan. This chapter analyzes the problems existing in the construction of campus culture in our country and puts forward the reference value of the construction of campus culture in Jiuzhou University.


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2 王冀生;大学文化的科学内涵[J];高等教育研究;2005年10期

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4 王俏;;日本校园文化建设的特点与启示[J];吉林教育;2012年Z1期




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