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发布时间:2018-06-01 18:22

  本文选题:江西民办高校 + 教师职业发展 ; 参考:《江西农业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The establishment of private colleges and universities has promoted the diversified development of educational undertakings. At present, private higher education has become a force that can not be ignored in China's educational undertakings. In recent years, private colleges and universities have been developing rapidly, and they have made good achievements and social repercussions in campus construction and reputation of teaching achievements. However, there are still many unsolved problems in the planning of teachers' career development, the stability of teachers' strength and the management of schools, especially in how to base on the teacher's career planning and teacher's professional development. It is an important task for higher education management workers to guide the benign development of teachers' profession, to realize the mutual dependence, joint efforts and common development between private colleges and teachers, and finally to achieve a win-win situation. This paper takes two private colleges and universities of Jiangxi Nanchang Institute of Technology and Jiangxi Institute of Applied Science and Technology as the main body of study, selects the teachers and related personnel of these two schools as the research objects, and organically combines the empirical research with the theoretical research. By using literature, questionnaire and case analysis, this paper dissects the problems of teachers in each stage of their career development, and makes a multi-level and multi-angle analysis. From three aspects of society, school and individual, this paper deeply analyzes the stage problems and psychological problems in the professional development of teachers in private colleges and universities, and makes an in-depth analysis of the factors that affect the professional development of teachers in private colleges and universities. Furthermore, the author puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures to promote the professional development of teachers in private colleges and universities.


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