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发布时间:2018-06-02 21:06

  本文选题:大学生 + 情商培养 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:情商是一个人掌控自己的情绪、情感和他人情绪情感的能力,以及如何处理自已与他人之间情感关系的能力。现代社会对人们的情商要求越来越高,因而越来越多的人开始关注情商。有不少学者也开始对情商进行研究,并把他们的研究成果引入到了教育领域,但是从思想政治教育的视角对大学生的情商培养进行研究的还比较少。情商是大学生思想政治教育的基础和催化剂,情商培养是学分制下大学生思想政治教育走出困境的理性选择,而情商培养也需要大学生思想政治教育在方向上的指引,并且它们在目标理念、内容过程和方法途径等方面存在广泛的相通性。这些联系使得情商培养与大学生思想政治教育的融合具有必要性和现实可能性。 进入大学后,大学生的情商出现了一些新的特点,自我认知的要求迫切,情绪自我认知不断拓展和深化,自我控制力也有所提高,情绪管理更具自觉性和独立性,自尊心也明显增强,在生活中逐渐学会了解他人,人际交往更开放。但是也出现了一些问题,比如自我认识不够成熟,具有较大的狭隘性、容易被情绪左右、自我激励能力不足,心理承受力较弱、移情能力有待提高,容易以自我为中心、人际交往存在偏差等。造成这种状况的原因也是多方面的,如不良社会环境因素产生的消极影响、网络等电子媒介的负面影响、高校对大学生情商培养存在薄弱环节、师生之间交往矛盾困境的影响、家庭对大学生情商培养存在失当现象以及大学生自我心理调适乏力等。 从思想政治教育角度研究的大学生情商培养,除了具有一般情商培养的特点外,还有特定的目标和要求,需要遵循方向性原则、适应性原则、发展性原则和协同性原则。影响大学生情商水平的因素是多方面的,因而,也要从家庭、学校、社会和大学生自身多方面寻找提高大学生情商水平的途径。家庭要适应家庭结构功能的新变化,充分发挥对大学生情商培养的支持作用,高校要突破薄弱环节,充分发挥对大学生情商培养的直接影响作用,社会要加大关注力度,充分发挥对大学生情商培养的外部保障作用,大学生自身则要加强自我教育,充分发挥对大学生情商培养的内部动力作用。
[Abstract]:EQ is a person's ability to control their emotions, emotions and emotions of others, and how to handle their emotional relationship with others. More and more people begin to pay attention to EQ because of the higher and higher demand of EQ in modern society. Many scholars also began to study EQ, and introduced their research results into the field of education, but from the perspective of ideological and political education, the research on EQ training of college students is relatively small. EQ is the basis and catalyst of college students' ideological and political education. EQ training is the rational choice for college students' ideological and political education to get out of the predicament under the credit system, and EQ training also needs the guidance of the direction of college students' ideological and political education. And they have a wide range of similarities in terms of goal ideas, content processes and methods. These connections make the integration of EQ training and ideological and political education of college students necessary and realistic. After entering university, there are some new characteristics of college students'EQ, the demand of self-cognition is urgent, the emotional self-cognition is expanding and deepening, the self-control ability is also improved, and the emotional management is more conscious and independent. Self-esteem also significantly increased, in life gradually learn to understand others, more open interpersonal relations. But there are also some problems, such as the immaturity of self-knowledge, the narrowness of self-awareness, the tendency to be influenced by emotion, the lack of self-motivation, the weak psychological tolerance, the need to improve the empathy ability, and the easy self-centeredness. There are deviations in interpersonal communication. There are many reasons for this situation, such as the negative influence of the bad social environment, the negative influence of the electronic media such as the network, the weak link of the college students'EQ training, the influence of the contradiction dilemma between the teachers and students. There is malpractice in the cultivation of college students' emotional quotient by family, and the self-adjustment of college students is weak and so on. The cultivation of college students'EQ from the angle of ideological and political education not only has the characteristics of general EQ training, but also has specific goals and requirements. It needs to follow the principles of directionality, adaptability, development and cooperation. There are many factors that affect the level of EQ of college students. Therefore, we should look for ways to improve the EQ level of college students from many aspects such as family, school, society and college students themselves. The family should adapt to the new changes of family structure and function, give full play to the supporting role of college students' emotional quotient training, break through the weak links in colleges and universities, give full play to the direct influence on the cultivation of college students' emotional quotient, and the society should pay more attention to it. We should give full play to the external guarantee of the cultivation of college students' emotional quotient, while the college students themselves should strengthen their own education and give full play to the internal motive force of the cultivation of college students' emotional quotient.


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