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发布时间:2018-06-02 18:53

  本文选题:现代大学制度 + 中国特色现代大学制度 ; 参考:《教育研究》2013年11期

[Abstract]:The most important problem in perfecting the modern university system with Chinese characteristics is to find out what is the modern university system with Chinese characteristics and the relationship between the "Chinese characteristics" and universality of the modern university system. The modern university system with Chinese characteristics is the modern university system under the socialist system. It embodies the universality and common trend of the modern university system, embodies the essential characteristics of the university, and is conducive to the healthy development of the university and the exertion of the social role of the university. Actively adapt and coordinate with national political system, economic system and cultural system. To establish and perfect the modern university system with Chinese characteristics, it is necessary to further emancipate the mind and strengthen the reform in the relationship between university and government, between university and society, and in the internal governance structure of university.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学教育科学研究院;


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