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发布时间:2018-06-03 01:54

  本文选题:大学生 + 核心竞争力 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:所谓大学生核心竞争力的培养,是指将大学生培养成为具有独立个性、具有他人无法替代的优势潜能,并且能切合当代社会发展需求的优秀人才。这一人才培养的理念及其实践将对高等教育各利益相关者产生重大意义。本文主要从四个方面来探究“大学生核心竞争力培养”这一问题。 首先,通过文本分析,我们从大学生自身、大学生个体与他人之间的关系以及大学生与社会的关系三个维度来阐述“大学生核心竞争力”的内涵:从大学生自身维度来看,“大学生核心竞争力”是大学生自身所具备的专长与潜能,是其个性得以充分发展的结果,同时也是大学生可能世界的无限扩张;从大学生个体与他人之间的关系维度来看,“大学生核心竞争力”是一种异质性的存在,每一位大学生的核心竞争力都是独一无二的;从大学生与社会的关系维度来看,“大学生核心竞争力”是大学生个体对社会需要最大限度的适应。 其次,我们分析了当代大学生核心竞争力缺失的现状。主要表现在以下几个方面:大学生的个性与潜能无法得到充分发展使其可能世界的扩张受阻;新的“读书无用论”的教育质量评价观直接反映了当代大学生核心竞争力缺失的现实状况;大学生毕业后面临的结构性失业的矛盾凸显了大学生核心竞争力的缺失以及“畸形学历”现象的出现是对大学生核心竞争力缺失的一种无奈的反映。 再次,我们从高校人才培养活动及大学生个体两大方面来分析了当代大学生核心竞争力缺失的原因:从高校方面来说,存在着高校人才培养活动在其理论基础上坚持的是科学理性而不是实践理性;在高等教育办学理念上坚持的是计划经济时代“集体教育价值选择”而不是“个人教育价值选择”;高校办学功利主义导向严重等问题。而从大学生个体方面来说,大学生自身认识以及行动上存在的问题也导致大学生自身核心竞争力的缺失。 最后,我们从如下四个方面来探讨大学生核心竞争力培养的具体措施:其一,高校人才培养活动应坚持科学的理论作指导;其二,高等教育理念应实现从“集体教育价值选择”向“个人教育价值选择”转变;其三,要实现高校人才培养多样化与个性化;其四,大学生要全面认识自身的潜能与独特优势,制订适合自己并能最大限度促进自身核心竞争力发展的人生规划等。
[Abstract]:The cultivation of college students' core competence refers to the cultivation of college students into outstanding talents with independent personality, with the advantage potential that others can not replace, and can meet the needs of contemporary social development. The concept and practice of talent training will be of great significance to the stakeholders of higher education. This paper probes into the cultivation of college students'core competence from four aspects. First of all, through text analysis, we expound the connotation of "college students' core competence" from the three dimensions of college students themselves, the relationship between individual and others and the relationship between college students and society: from the perspective of college students' own dimension, "College students' core competence" is not only the specialty and potential of college students themselves, but also the result of the full development of their personality, and also the infinite expansion of the possible world of college students. The core competence of college students is a kind of heterogeneity, and the core competence of every college student is unique. The core competence of college students is the maximum adaptation of college students to the needs of society. Secondly, we analyze the current situation of the lack of core competitiveness of contemporary college students. The main performance in the following aspects: college students' personality and potential can not be fully developed to block their possible world expansion; The new theory of "useless reading" directly reflects the reality of the lack of core competitiveness of contemporary college students. The contradiction of structural unemployment faced by college students after graduation highlights the lack of core competitiveness of college students and the appearance of "abnormal education" is a helpless reflection of the lack of core competitiveness of college students. Thirdly, we analyze the reasons for the lack of core competitiveness of contemporary college students from the two aspects of talent training activities and individual students: from the point of view of colleges and universities, On the basis of its theory, there exists a scientific rationality rather than a practical reason for the cultivation of talents in colleges and universities. On the idea of running higher education, we insist on the "choice of collective educational value" rather than "individual educational value choice" in the planned economy era, and the serious problems such as the guidance of utilitarianism in the running of higher education. From the aspect of college students' individual, the problems in their own cognition and action also lead to the lack of their own core competitiveness. Finally, we discuss the following four aspects to explore the specific measures for the cultivation of college students' core competitiveness: first, colleges and universities should adhere to scientific theory as the guide; second, The idea of higher education should change from "collective educational value choice" to "individual educational value choice"; third, it is necessary to realize the diversification and individuation of talent cultivation in colleges and universities; fourth, college students should fully understand their potential and unique advantages. Make the life plan that suits oneself and can promote oneself core competition development to the maximum extent.


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