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发布时间:2018-06-03 16:02

  本文选题:女大学生 + 社会主义荣辱观 ; 参考:《湖南科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自2006年胡锦涛总书记第一次提出“社会主义荣辱观”以来,针对大学生的社会主义荣辱观教育取得长足发展。特别是十七届六中全会进一步提出“要深入开展社会主义荣辱观宣传教育”,大学生社会主义荣辱观教育进入发展的更深层次,表现为成绩更加突出,问题也更加凸显。其中一个重要问题便是忽视对女大学生的社会主义荣辱观教育,使得相关的教育策略缺乏针对性,而这种问题的出现很大程度上归咎于相关理论研究的匮乏。因此研究女大学生社会主义荣辱观教育具有重要的理论和实践意义。从理论上讲,本文以女性视角为切入点,有利于推动思想政治教育理论研究视角的多元化,使得相关研究更具针对性和实效性。同时,也丰富了社会主义荣辱观教育理论的内容。从现实意义上说,本研究既有利于女大学生道德素质的提升和健康人格的养成,也有利于女大学生发挥“半边天”的作用,促进良好校园文化氛围的形成,进而帮助女大学生提升其社会形象。 从主要内容来讲,本文由绪论和正文构成。绪论部分对选题缘由、研究意义、国内外研究现状以及社会性别等相关概念进行了论述。正文重点探讨如下三个部分:第一,,当代女大学生社会主义荣辱观教育的现状分析。主要论述女大学生社会主义荣辱观教育的成效和主要问题,并对其进行进一步分析。第二,当代女大学生社会主义荣辱观教育的问题归因。本部分力图从经济社会层面的宏观原因、德育体制层面的中观原因和女大学生个体层面的微观原因三个角度出发,探索女大学生社会主义荣辱观缺失的原因。第三、当代女大学生社会主义荣辱观教育的对策。主要针对女大学生的实际情况,从完善教育理念、充实教育内容、创新教育方法、构建教育机制和优化教育环境五个方面进行讨论,多角度多层次的提出引导当代女大学生树立正确社会主义荣辱观的可行性措施。 本课题按照“理论指导→资料查阅→综合分析→理论提升→最终成果”的技术路线,运用文献研究法和比较研究法进行课题的论证与研究,力求对当代女大学生社会主义荣辱观教育研究做出一些有益探索。最终拟作出如下四个结论:第一,女大学生与男大学生相比,在身心特征、思想观念、社会境遇等各个方面存在差异,有必要在研究差异、重视差异的基础上开展针对女大学生的社会主义荣辱观教育。第二,女大学生在“明荣知辱”方面总体良好,但仍然存在不可忽视的问题,而这些问题正在被网络等社会媒体不断“放大”,给社会带来较大负面影响。因此,加强女大学生的社会主义荣辱观教育十分紧迫。第三,影响女大学生社会主义荣辱观教育的因素既包括社会经济文化的宏观环境,也包括高校德育体制这一中观层面的因素,还包括家庭教养策略以及女大学生自身的身心特征、价值取向、社会性别意识等微观因素。第四,女大学生社会主义荣辱观教育是一个系统工程,要完善这一系统,必须从理论到实践、从内部要素到外部环境共同着手。
[Abstract]:Since the first "socialist concept of honor and Disgrace" was put forward by general secretary Hu Jintao in 2006, the education of socialist concept of honor and disgrace for college students has made great progress. In particular, it was further proposed in the sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee that "to carry out the propaganda and education of socialist concept of honor and Disgrace" further, the education of the socialist concept of honor and disgrace of college students has entered a deeper development. One of the important problems is to ignore the education of the socialist concept of honor and disgrace on the female college students, and the lack of pertinence of the relevant educational strategies, which is largely due to the lack of relevant theoretical research. The education of humiliation has important theoretical and practical significance. In theory, this article takes the female perspective as a breakthrough point, which is beneficial to the diversification of the theoretical research perspective of Ideological and political education, making the related research more pertinent and effective. At the same time, it also enriches the content of the theory of socialist concept of honor and disgrace. The study not only helps the promotion of the moral quality of the female college students and the cultivation of healthy personality, but also helps the female students to play the role of "half the sky", and promote the formation of a good campus culture atmosphere, and then help the female students to improve their social image.
From the main content, this article is composed of the introduction and the text. The introduction part discusses the origin of the topic, the significance of the research, the status of research at home and abroad as well as the related concepts of social gender. The main body of the text is to discuss the following three parts: first, the analysis of the present situation of the education of the socialist honor and disgrace of the contemporary female college students. The results and main problems of the education of the concept of the concept of honor and dishonor are further analyzed. Second, the problems attributable to the education of the socialist concept of honor and disgrace of the contemporary female college students. This part tries to explore from the macro reasons of the economic and social level, the middle reason of the moral system level and the microcosmic cause of the female college students' individual level. The reasons for the lack of socialist concept of honor and disgrace for the college girls. Third, the Countermeasures of the socialist concept of honor and disgrace of the contemporary female college students, mainly in view of the actual situation of the female college students, are discussed from five aspects, such as perfecting the educational concept, enriching the content of education, innovating the educational method, constructing the educational mechanism and optimizing the education environment. It puts forward the feasible measures to guide contemporary female college students to establish a correct socialist concept of honor and disgrace.
In accordance with the technical route of "theoretical guidance, data access, comprehensive analysis, theoretical promotion and final results", this subject uses literature research method and comparative research method to carry out the demonstration and study of the topic, and tries to make some useful exploration to the study of the contemporary female college students' Socialist Concept of honor and disgrace. Finally, the following four conclusions are made. First, female college students are different from male students in different aspects such as physical and mental characteristics, ideas and social circumstances. It is necessary to carry out the education of socialist outlook on honor and disgrace for female students on the basis of studying the differences and paying attention to the differences. Second, female college students are generally good in the "Ming and honors and Disgrace", but still exist. The problems are being ignored, and these problems are being constantly "amplified" by the social media and other social media. Therefore, it is very urgent to strengthen the education of the socialist concept of honor and disgrace for female college students. Third, the factors that affect the education of the socialist outlook on honor and disgrace of the female college students include both the macro environment of the social and economic culture, as well as the high social and cultural environment. The middle level factors of the school moral education system include the family rearing strategy, the physical and mental characteristics of the female college students, the value orientation, the social gender consciousness and other micro factors. Fourth, the education of the socialist concept of honor and disgrace is a systematic project. To perfect this system, it must be from the theory to the practice, from the internal elements to the outer ring. Embark on the border.


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