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发布时间:2018-06-05 15:10

  本文选题:高校 + 学生突发危机事件 ; 参考:《华东理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会的繁荣、科技的日新月异以及全球化进程的加快,加之我国正处在转型期的特殊阶段,风险社会成为了这个时代真实的写照,风险传递到校园,对学校正常的教学与管理构成威胁,使校园成为风险校园。学校作为社会的重要组成部分,在内外部矛盾的作用和影响下,也成为各类危机事件的高发区域。在这样的形势下,学校迫切需要加强校园危机管理,形成新的思路,以应对严峻的挑战。 文章首先介绍了高校突发危机事件的相关概念,以及高校突发危机事件的特征和主要类型。在分析高校突发危机事件类型的基础上,具体研究高校学生突发危机事件,主要介绍了高校学生突发危机事件的诱因,并从思想成因、压力机制、利益冲突、心理影响、成熟张力五个方面探索具体原因。 在高校学生危机事件原因探索的基础上,分析高校学生突发危机事件的法律性质,主要介绍了学生突发危机事件的范畴、法律责任。并选择高校学生自杀事件作为案例进行深入研究,主要介绍了自杀的特征、心理过程、自杀的分类、影响自杀的因素以及对自杀的干预和预防措施。最后在前期研究的基础上,提出了有针对性的措施和建议,以期对今后我国高校应对学生突发危机事件有所启示。 本研究主要采用了文献研究法、比较研究法、案例分析法,在案例研究和文献分析的基础上提出有针对的建议和措施,以期提高我国高校学生突发危机事件的应对能力。
[Abstract]:With the prosperity of the society, the rapid development of science and technology and the acceleration of the globalization process, in addition, our country is in a special stage of the transition period, the risk society has become the true portrayal of this era, and the risk is transferred to the campus. It poses a threat to the normal teaching and management of the school and makes the campus a risky campus. As an important part of society, school has become a high incidence area of all kinds of crisis events under the influence of internal and external contradictions. In such a situation, schools urgently need to strengthen the campus crisis management, form new ideas to meet the severe challenges. This paper first introduces the related concepts of university emergencies, as well as the characteristics and main types of university emergencies. On the basis of analyzing the types of sudden crisis in colleges and universities, this paper specifically studies the sudden crisis of college students, mainly introduces the inducement of the sudden crisis of college students, and analyzes the causes of thought, pressure mechanism, conflict of interest, psychological influence. Mature tension five aspects to explore the specific reasons. On the basis of exploring the causes of college students' crisis, this paper analyzes the legal nature of university students' sudden crisis, and mainly introduces the category and legal responsibility of students' sudden crisis. The author chooses college students' suicide as a case study, mainly introduces the characteristics of suicide, psychological process, the classification of suicide, the factors affecting suicide, and the intervention and prevention measures to suicide. Finally, on the basis of the previous research, this paper puts forward some targeted measures and suggestions in order to enlighten colleges and universities to deal with students' sudden crisis in the future. This research mainly adopts the literature research method, the comparative research method, the case analysis method, puts forward some suggestions and measures on the basis of the case study and the literature analysis, in order to improve the coping ability of the university students in our country.


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2 李理;我国高校学生突发危机事件管理机制探讨[D];西南交通大学;2010年




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