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发布时间:2018-06-06 06:16

  本文选题:自媒体 + 高校 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着微博、博客等自媒体平台在我国的广泛应用,每个网民都可以进行信息的获取、生产、分享与传播。高校中的一些问题如果不能及时得到处理就极容易通过自媒体平台进行广泛传播,使得虚假信息混杂其中难以辨别,引发高校群体性恐慌,最终爆发高校网络舆论危机。构建自媒体下高校舆论危机事件应对机制对预防、处理和反思高校舆论危机具有重要的现实意义和指导价值。 本文通过对高校在自媒体环境下网络舆论危机的应对机制的抽样调查,努力寻找各高校目前在网络舆情应对方面存在的问题,目的是寻求解决的有效措施与对策。论文结构包括绪论、正文和结论,共分为六个部分: 绪论主要包括四个方面内容:第一,文章的选题意义;第二,关于该选题的研究综述及述评,包括对研究成果的定量分析和对研究内容的定性分析;第三,本文的研究对象、思路和创新点;第四,对研究过程中所运用到的文献法、问卷调查法和访谈法等研究方法进行全面阐述和介绍。 第一部分是概述。该部分首先对自媒体以及高效网络舆论危机进行了概念界定;其次对高校网络舆论危机的形成过程进行了全面阐述;最后总结归纳出目前在自媒体环境下的高校网络舆情的四个新特点,分别是传播内容的多元性、传播方式的交互性、传播时效的高速性、参与主体地位的平等性。 第二部分对自媒体环境下高校网络舆论危机应对机制的理论进行系统论述,主要从两个方面入手,首先是马克思主义与中国共产党关于舆情研究的基本理论;其次是传播学理论基础,自媒体下高校网络舆论危机应对机制主要应用了议程设置理论、“把关人理论、意见领袖这三个传播学理论。 第三部分是对自媒体环境下高校舆论危机事件应对机制的调查与问题分析。主要包括两个方面的内容,首先是对样本高校在自媒体环境下舆论危机事件应对情况的调查与分析,包括调查工具及实施、信效度分析、调查结果及分析这三个方面;其次根据调查结果对目前高校网络舆情存在的问题进行了归纳总结,主要存在自媒体环境下高校舆情工作领导机制不健全、高校舆情队伍保障机制不完善、自媒体下高校网络舆情互动应对机制不灵活、高校舆情工作反馈机制不完备这四个方面的问题。 第四部分提出了自媒体环境下高校舆论危机事件应对机制的建构策略。主要采取建立高校网络舆论危机管理的“前期发生—中期处理—事后完善”模型来提出最终解决方案,简单说就是在高校内建立自媒体环境下的舆情工作领导机制;在高校中健全自媒体环境下舆情队伍组织保障机制;建立自媒体下高校网络舆情互动应对机制;建立自媒体高校网络舆情工作反馈机制。 最后,在结论中进一步指出:当前,自媒体环境下高校网络舆论危机的应对管理无论是在理论研究方面,还是在实践运作方面,都还有待于进一步的深化,本文最主要的目的是期待后续研究能继续吸取其他学派的研究观点,并且跨越研究学派之间的鸿沟,共同探讨完善网络舆论的应对机制与有效策略。
[Abstract]:With the wide application of micro-blog, blogs and other media platforms in our country, every netizen can obtain, produce, share and disseminate information. Some problems in Colleges and universities can be widely spread through the self media platform if they can not be processed in time, which makes the false information confused and indistinguishable, causing the group of colleges and universities. It is of great significance and guiding value to build up the crisis of public opinion crisis in Colleges and universities to prevent, deal with and reflect on the crisis of public opinion in Colleges and universities.
Through the sampling investigation of the coping mechanism of the network public opinion crisis in the self media environment, this paper tries to find out the existing problems in the network public opinion dealing with each university. The purpose is to seek effective measures and countermeasures. The paper structure includes the introduction, the text and the conclusion, which are divided into six parts:
The introduction mainly includes four aspects: first, the significance of the topic of the article; second, the research review and review of the topic, including the quantitative analysis of the research results and the qualitative analysis of the research content; third, the object of the study, the idea and the innovation point; fourth, the literature method used in the study process, and the questionnaire adjustment Methods of investigation and interview are comprehensively expounded and introduced.
The first part is an overview. Firstly, this part defines the concept of self media and the crisis of high efficiency network public opinion; secondly, it expounds the formation process of the crisis of network public opinion in Colleges and universities. Finally, it summarizes and summarizes the four new characteristics of the network public opinion of colleges and universities under the environment of self media, which are the diversity of the content of communication, respectively. The interactivity of communication mode, the high speed of communication limitation and the equality of participants' main body status.
The second part systematically discusses the theory of network public opinion crisis coping mechanism under the environment of self media, mainly from two aspects, first of all, the basic theory of Marx and the Chinese Communist Party on the research of public opinion; secondly, the basis of communication theory, and the main application of the network public opinion crisis coping mechanism under the media. Agenda setting theory, "gatekeeper theory" and "opinion leader" are three communication theories.
The third part is the investigation and analysis of the response mechanism of public opinion crisis events in the self media environment. It mainly includes two aspects. The first is the investigation and analysis of the response of the sample colleges and Universities under the self media environment, including the investigation tools and implementation, the reliability and validity analysis, the investigation results and the analysis of the three. Secondly, according to the results of the investigation, the existing problems of network public opinion in Colleges and universities are summarized, and the main existence of the public opinion work under the media environment is not perfect, the security mechanism of public opinion teams in Colleges and universities is not perfect, the interactive coping mechanism of network public opinion under the media is not flexible, and the feedback mechanism of public opinion work in Colleges and universities is not Complete the four aspects of the problem.
The fourth part puts forward the construction strategy of the response mechanism of public opinion crisis events under the environment of self media. The final solution is put forward by establishing the model of "prophase, medium-term processing and afterwards perfect" to establish the crisis management of university network public opinion, which is simply to establish the public opinion work leading machine under the media environment. The system of public opinion team organization under the media environment is perfect, and the interactive coping mechanism of network public opinion under the media is set up, and the feedback mechanism of network public opinion work from media colleges and universities is set up.
At the end, it is further pointed out in the conclusion that, at present, the management of the crisis of network public opinion in Colleges and universities is still to be further deepened. The main purpose of this paper is to expect further research to continue to absorb the research views of other schools, and to leap over the research. The gap between schools is explored and the mechanism and effective strategies for improving Internet public opinion are discussed.


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