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发布时间:2018-06-06 06:56

  本文选题:研究型大学 + 科研创新 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:拥有丰富的人才和知识资源的研究型大学,除了其基本的教学活动以培养人才外,还承担着科研创新以及创新成果转化等重担。科研创新成果的成功转化可以直接转化为经济财富,促进社会的经济发展,从而也推动创新型国家的建设。因此,有必要对研究型大学科研创新能力的评价指标进行研究,以便能有一套完整且适用的指标体系来科学、客观的评价其科研创新能力。目前,已有多方学者对高校科研能力的含义、高校在国家创新体系的关键地位及高校科技能力评价指标体系进行了不同角度、不同层次的研究,但是从创新理论的角度出发并结合研究型大学科研能力评价指标体系的研究则相对较少。 本文对国内外相关文献理论与实践进行分析整理,辅之以访谈法、统计分析、DEA等方法,对研究型大学科研创新评价指标进行研究,并建立了评价模型。本文研究内容主要分为下面几个部分: 第一部分为研究型大学科研创新的基本理论。主要从研究型大学的定义及特征、科研创新能力的定义以及研究型大学科研创新的意义三个方面来进行文献综述。 第二部分主要是建立研究型大学科研创新评价指标体系并进行实证研究。主要包括三个方面的内容:第一,选择建立指标体系的方法-DEA。分析和讨论DEA与其他方法相比在建立评价指标体系上的优势,得出采用DEA是最好的选择。第二,对影响研究型大学科研创新的因素进行分析,根据分析的结果和已有的研究成果得出各指标,建立完整的指标体系。第三,通过搜集资料获得研究型大学在各投入产出指标上的数据,将数据导入EMS软件进行计算并得出相关结果。 第三部分为研究结论。经计算分析后得出结论,得出影响研究型大学科研创新能力的主要因素和相互关系,进而提出提升研究型大学科研创新能力的建议和意见,进而为推动协同创新,提升研究型大学创新能力做出贡献。
[Abstract]:Research universities, which have abundant talents and knowledge resources, besides their basic teaching activities to train talents, also bear the burden of scientific research and innovation and the transformation of innovative achievements. The successful transformation of scientific research and innovation results can be directly transformed into economic wealth, promote the economic development of society, and thus promote the construction of innovative country. Therefore, it is necessary to study the evaluation index of scientific research innovation ability of research universities, so as to have a complete and applicable index system to scientifically and objectively evaluate its scientific research innovation ability. At present, there are many scholars on the meaning of scientific research ability of colleges and universities, the key position of universities in the national innovation system and the evaluation index system of the scientific and technological ability of colleges and universities from different angles and different levels. However, from the angle of innovation theory and combining with the evaluation index system of research university's scientific research ability, the research is relatively few. This paper analyzes and collates the theories and practices of relevant literature at home and abroad, supplemented by interview method, statistical analysis and DEA method, studies the evaluation index of scientific research innovation in research universities, and establishes an evaluation model. The content of this paper is divided into the following parts: The first part is the basic theory of research innovation in research universities. This paper summarizes the literature from the definition and characteristics of research universities, the definition of scientific research innovation ability and the significance of research innovation in research universities. The second part is the establishment of research university research innovation evaluation index system and empirical research. It mainly includes three aspects: first, choose the method of establishing index system-DEA. This paper analyzes and discusses the advantages of DEA in establishing evaluation index system compared with other methods, and concludes that DEA is the best choice. Secondly, this paper analyzes the factors that affect the innovation of scientific research in research universities. According to the results of the analysis and the existing research results, the indexes are obtained and a complete index system is established. Thirdly, the data of each input-output index of the research university are obtained by collecting data, and the data are imported into the EMS software for calculation and the relevant results are obtained. The third part is the conclusion of the research. Through the calculation and analysis, the paper draws a conclusion that the main factors affecting the scientific research innovation ability of research universities and their mutual relations, and then puts forward some suggestions and opinions to enhance the scientific research innovation ability of research universities, so as to promote collaborative innovation. Improve the innovative ability of research universities to contribute.


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