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发布时间:2018-06-06 11:37

  本文选题:社会性别视角 + 择业意向 ; 参考:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:女大学生就业难问题已引起社会各界的广泛关注。据麦可思公司对2011届大学生毕业半年后的调研研究显示女性毕业生处于低就业(即从事与专业不相关的工作或半职工作,并且在本地区月收入处于最低的25%)状态的比例高于男性毕业生。据教育部的相关调查,在同等学历下,女大学生的初次签约月薪平均水平要比男大学生低,就业中歧视现象比较严重。造成女大学生就业难的原因是多方面的,择业意向的偏差是其重要原因之一。因此,加强对女大学生择业意向的探讨显得尤为重要。 从社会性别视角出发研究女大学生择业意向,我们可以看到通常关于男女能力的说法是一种社会、历史、文化等长期建构的结果,而不是所谓的“事实”;在传统观念中对性别存在认识上的偏差,导致了目前男性和女性形成了比较单一的身份认同;所谓的“适合女性的职业”与“适合男性的职业”是一种长期建构的观念而不是事实。这一认识偏差可以得到纠正,由此导致的目前女大学生就业难的状况是有可能改变的。 本文以山东省某综合性大学的女大学生为研究对象,在文献分析的基础上,通过问卷调查、个案访谈研究女大学生择业意向的现状,提出对策。本论文分为以下四方面探讨这一问题。 第一部分社会性别视角下女大学生择业意向概述,该部分基于对国内外择业意向、社会性别理论的分析,提出社会性别视角下女大学生择业意向研究的新发现,为研究开展提供基础支持。 第二部实证研究大学生择业意向现状,发现女大学生选择职业时对就业前景不如男大学生乐观有信心;女大学生择业时比男大学生更加看重工作轻松环境舒适、工作稳定、工作能兼顾家庭等因素。本部分为下文的分析提供实证依据。 第三部分从社会性别角度出发,以勒温的人类行为模型为依据分析了女大学生择业意向的影响因素:社会的等级化劳动性别分工、市场经济的运行规则以及女大学生的自我认知。该部分重点分析了女大学生择业意向的形成。 第四部分,女大学生择业意向培育途径分析和对策,这是本研究的重点和难点,也是研究的落脚点。本研究从政府、社会、教育、个人四个方面提出解决对策,旨在科学培育女大学生的择业意向,促进女大学生就业难问题的有效解决。 本研究的创新点主要有: 1.现有文献中,从社会性别视角出发对女大学生的研究主要涉及男女不平等就业导致的就业困境,且多从理论角度出发,而从社会性别视角出发实证探究女大学生择业意向的研究还较少见到。本文从社会性别视角出发,实证研究女大学生择业意向。 2.我国现有对大学生择业意向的研究多采用问卷调查法,但问卷调查法存在着无法克服的自身研究局限。本研究同时采用深度访谈的定性研究的方法。 3:本研究从勒温行为模型等相关理论出发系统研究女大学生择业意向的形成,有针对性的提出对策建议。
[Abstract]:The problem of employment for female college students has attracted wide attention from all walks of life. According to the research and research of 2011 college students half a year after graduation, the proportion of female graduates in low employment (that is, to engage in unrelated or semi professional work, and to be in the lowest 25% in the monthly income in the region) is higher than that of male graduates. According to the relevant investigation of the Ministry of education, under the same educational background, the average monthly salary level of female college students is lower than that of the male college students, and the discrimination in employment is more serious. The reasons for the difficult employment of female college students are many, and the deviation of the job hunting intention is one of the important reasons. Therefore, to strengthen the discussion on the career intention of female college students It is particularly important.
From the perspective of social gender perspective, we can see that the general statement about the ability of women and men is a result of the long-term construction of society, history, culture and so on, not the so-called "fact". In the traditional concept, there is a deviation in the existence of sex in the traditional concept, which leads to a relatively unitary male and female. The so-called "suitable for women" and "suitable for men" is a long-term construction concept rather than a fact. This cognitive deviation can be corrected, and the current situation of the difficult employment of female college students is likely to change.
On the basis of the literature analysis, this paper, based on the literature analysis, studies the status quo of female college students' job hunting intentions and puts forward countermeasures on the basis of the literature analysis. This paper is divided into the following four aspects to discuss the problem.
The first part is an overview of the career intention of female college students from the perspective of social gender perspective. This part is based on the analysis of the intention of job selection at home and abroad, the analysis of the social gender theory, and the new findings of the study of female college students' career intention under the gender perspective, which provides the basic support for the research.
The second part studies the status quo of College Students' Job Hunting Intention, and finds that female students' career prospects are less optimistic than male students when choosing careers. Female college students are more comfortable, work stable, and work both family and other factors. This part provides an empirical basis for the following analysis.
The third part from the social gender perspective, based on Lewin's human behavior model, analyzes the influencing factors of female college students' career intention: the social hierarchical labor gender division, the running rules of market economy and the self cognition of female college students. This part focuses on the analysis of the formation of career intention of female college students.
The fourth part, the analysis and Countermeasures of the way to cultivate female college students' career intention, which is the key and difficult point of this study, and also the foothold of the study. This study proposes the solution from four aspects of the government, society, education and individual, which aims to cultivate the intention of female college students' job selection scientifically and promote the effective solution to the difficult problem of female college students' employment.
The main innovations of this study are as follows:
1. in the existing literature, the research on female college students from the perspective of social gender mainly involves the employment dilemma caused by unequal employment of men and women, and from the theoretical point of view, the research on the career intention of female college students from the perspective of gender is still less. Career intentions.
2. the current research on the job intention of college students is mostly used by the questionnaire survey method, but the questionnaire survey method has the insuperable limitations of the study. This study adopts the qualitative research method of deep interview.
3: Based on Lewin's behavior model and other related theories, this study systematically studies the formation of female college students' career intentions, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions accordingly.


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