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发布时间:2018-06-07 08:25

  本文选题:信息素养 + 能力评价 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在当前信息素养已成为新世纪人们的生存必备能力的时代趋势下,我国高校各图书馆也开始了各种形式的信息素养能力培训与教学活动。无论是从衡量学生能力水平的角度还是评估图书馆所需的角度,信息素养的评价方法的研究都是迫在眉睫的。但是当前国内的信息素养评价方法仍为单一,主要集中于主观量表评估的设计上,另有部分学者尝试标准化题库的设计。而国外的信息素养能力评估研究已经走过了体系化标准、大规模客观测评等阶段,出现了书目分析、档案袋评价等真实性、质性评估的趋势。 基于此,本文首先对国内外信息素养能力评价的研究现状进行了梳理及总结,发现建构主义、质性评估方法及综合评估运用等已成为信息素养评价的潮流所在。然后,本文选择了质性评估的典型方法——档案袋评价方法作为信息素养能力评价实践的新尝试。一方面,本文对档案袋评价方法的主要特征、内容结构及使用步骤进行了简要的介绍,并阐述其与信息素养能力评价的契合点主要在于后者体现的是理解能力以及处理复杂信息的技能,并强调过程性及真实情景的实践操作,而这正是档案袋评价方法的优势所在。另一方面,本文结合信息素养能力体系,对档案袋评价方法的评价主目的、评价主体、评价内容以及评价标准进行了详细的设计。其中,评价内容设计中首先阐述了信息素养能力体系的模块化及知识点的提炼,然后根据体系化、层次性、真实情景性、可行性等原则进行档案袋评价内容及详细条目的具体设计,并最终生成了可用于实践的档案袋内容体系及对应评价方法。 在信息素养能力档案袋评价方法体系建立起来后,应用于上海交通大学信息素养实践课程的学生评价实践当中。其中课程共8讲,32个课时,31名学生参与了档案袋评价实践,笔者作为课程助教身份利用档案袋评价方法完成了整个课程的学生能力评价工作。课程结束,完成档案袋评价内容的收集以及具体评分后,作者对最终的数据以及整个课程实践情况进行了信度、效度以及可行性的分析检验。其中体现一致性信度的Cronbach’s α系数以及折半信度系数均达到较良好的水平,,而体现评价真实有效性的区分度检验t值也在大部分各知识点题项中获得显著性差异。最后,根据档案袋评价结果的反馈及检验结果对信息素养能力档案袋评价内容体系做了一定的修正。 经过了理论现状梳理、方法探讨、具体设计、落地实践以及最后的量化检验,本文达成了一个较完整的信息素养能力档案袋评价方法的实证研究过程,而后续在评价方法与课程实践结合、推广的进一步实践研究中,则仍需要对其效果及普适性做深入的探讨。
[Abstract]:At present, the information literacy has become the essential ability of the people in the new century, and various kinds of information literacy training and teaching activities have also begun in the libraries of colleges and universities in our country. Whether from the angle of measuring students' ability level or evaluating library, it is urgent to study the evaluation method of information literacy. However, the current information literacy evaluation method is still single, mainly focused on the design of subjective scale evaluation, and some other scholars try to standardize the design of question bank. The foreign research on the evaluation of information literacy capability has gone through the stage of systematization standards, large-scale objective evaluation and so on. There has been a trend of authenticity and quality evaluation such as bibliographic analysis, portfolio evaluation and so on. Based on this, this paper firstly combs and summarizes the research status of information literacy capability evaluation at home and abroad, and finds that constructivism, qualitative evaluation methods and comprehensive evaluation methods have become the trend of information literacy evaluation. Then, this paper chooses the typical qualitative evaluation method-portfolio evaluation method as the new attempt of information literacy ability evaluation practice. On the one hand, this paper briefly introduces the main characteristics, content structure and usage steps of the portfolio evaluation method. It also expounds that the key point of its agreement with the evaluation of information literacy is that the latter embodies the ability of understanding and the skills of dealing with complex information, and emphasizes the process and the practical operation of the real situation, which is the advantage of the portfolio evaluation method. On the other hand, combined with the information literacy ability system, this paper designs the main purpose, the main body, the evaluation content and the evaluation standard of the portfolio evaluation method in detail. In the design of evaluation content, the modularization of information literacy capability system and the refinement of knowledge points are first elaborated, and then according to systematization, hierarchy, real situation, The feasibility and other principles are used to design the contents and detailed items of portfolio evaluation, and finally, a portfolio content system and corresponding evaluation method can be used in practice are generated. After the establishment of the evaluation method system of information literacy capability portfolio, it is applied to the students' evaluation practice of information literacy practice course of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Among them, there are 8 courses and 31 students participate in the portfolio evaluation practice. As a course assistant, the author has completed the evaluation of the students' ability of the whole course by using the portfolio evaluation method. At the end of the course, the author analyzes the reliability, validity and feasibility of the final data and the whole course practice. Among them, the Cronbach's 伪 coefficient and the reduced half reliability coefficient, which reflect the consistency reliability, have reached a good level, and the t value of the discrimination test which reflects the evaluation of the true validity has also obtained significant differences in most of the items of knowledge points. Finally, according to the feedback and test results of portfolio evaluation results, the evaluation content system of information literacy capability portfolio is modified. After combing the current situation of theory, discussing the methods, designing, landing practice and the final quantitative test, this paper has reached a more complete information literacy capability portfolio evaluation method of the empirical research process. However, in the further practical research of the combination of evaluation method and curriculum practice and popularization, it is still necessary to make a thorough discussion on its effect and universality.


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