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发布时间:2018-06-10 04:04

  本文选题:文化多元化 + 道德 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当代大学生作为我国社会主义现代化建设的接班人,其道德人格状况不仅关系着个人的发展,更关系着我国社会主义现代化事业的成败。提高大学生思想道德素质,完善大学生道德人格,对于构建我国社会主义和谐社会、保持我国在国际社会中的大国地位具有重大的战略意义,同时这也是我国当前进行社会主义先进文化建设、高校道德教育改革的重要目标之一。然而,受到当今社会转型和国际多元文化及思潮的冲击和影响,大学生群体在道德人格形成和发展过程中表现出了不均衡性、多层次性等特点,从而引发了一系列道德问题和社会问题。因此,如何塑造大学生良好的道德人格成为现阶段道德教育面临的首要问题。本文从文化角度入手,在阐述了文化和人格相关的内涵后,着重分析了文化多元化对当代大学生道德人格的影响,并据此制定出当代大学生道德人格塑造的目标、内容和基本策略。 全文共分为四部分: 第一部分是相关概念的理论阐释。这一部分着重对文化及文化多元化、人格和道德人格的含义、特点等进行了说明,并简要分析了道德人格的结构、功能及形成机制,为之后论文的研究奠定坚实的理论基础。 第二部分是文化多元化对大学生道德人格的影响。这一部分首先对当代大学生道德人格现状进行了简要论述,着重分析了当前大学生群体道德人格中存在的问题,如社会道德情感的消极性和冷漠性、道德意志的群体依赖性、自我道德认知与行为的脱节以及道德行为的不稳定性等。之后论述了文化多元化对大学生道德人格造成的双重影响,即对大学生知识理论和主体意识的积极影响以及对大学生道德素质和道德教育等方面的消极影响,体现出理性利用多元文化影响塑造大学生良好道德人格的重要性。 第三部分是当代大学生道德人格塑造的期望和意义。大学生道德人格塑造的期望主要包括塑造的目标和内容两方面,目标包括道德心理、道德需要、道德选择能力、道德行为习惯等方面的完善和提升,且目标间是相互作用、相互协调的关系,具有现实性和超越性并存的特点;当代大学生道德人格塑造的内容,是以马克思主义关于人的自由全面发展思想为重要理论基础的,结合我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的实际以及文化多元化、价值观念多元化的社会大背景总结出来的,包括爱党爱国、诚信友善、自强不息、开拓创新、全面发展等五大部分。最后分三点概括了大学生道德人格塑造的意义,即符合当今时代发展的要求、符合我国公民道德建设的要求及符合大学生全面发展的要求。 第四部分文化多元化背景下大学生道德人格塑造的基本策略,这也是论文的核心内容。在明确了当代大学生道德人格塑造的目标和内容后,结合大学生道德人格形成发展规律和文化多元化、思想价值观念多元化等时代背景,首先简要论述了大学生道德人格塑造的两种基本途径即道德教育和道德修养,之后以这两种途径为轴心,从不同角度阐述了四种适应当前社会文化多元化大背景的、有利于大学生良好道德人格塑造的具体实施策略,分别是重视社会主义先进文化对大学生道德人格塑造的引领作用、发挥高校道德教育对大学生道德人格塑造的渠道作用、加强良好校园文化环境对大学生道德人格塑造的载体作用及提升大学生道德人格自我修养水平,并对每一条基本策略进行了具体的展开分析。 总之,作为人格在道德范畴上的规定,大学生道德人格是大学生个体特定的道德认识、道德情感、道德意志、道德信念和道德习惯的有机结合,是其内在道德品质和外在道德实践的综合表现。当前大学生道德人格总体上呈现出积极向上的发展趋势,但仍存在一些不容忽视的问题。文化作为影响大学生道德人格的重要因素,我们应重视大学生道德人格的文化生成,坚持辩证的态度应对当今时代文化多元化的冲击和影响,取其精华去其糟粕,通过制定和实施有效策略促进大学生道德人格的塑造和发展。
[Abstract]:As the successor of socialist modernization in China, the moral personality status of contemporary college students is not only related to personal development, but also to the success or failure of the cause of socialist modernization in China, to improve the ideological and moral quality of college students, to improve the moral personality of college students, to build a socialist harmonious society in China and to maintain our country in the country. The status of great powers in the InterWorld society is of great strategic significance. At the same time, it is also one of the important goals of our country's current socialist advanced culture construction and the reform of moral education in Colleges and universities. However, the college students are in the process of the formation and development of moral personality by the social transformation and the impact and influence of international multiculturalism and ideological trend. It shows a series of moral and social problems. Therefore, how to shape the good moral personality of college students has become the first problem facing moral education at the present stage. This paper, starting with the cultural angle, expounds the cultural and personality related connotation, and focuses on the analysis of cultural diversity. On the basis of this, the objective, content and basic strategies of shaping the moral personality of contemporary college students are formulated.
The full text is divided into four parts:
The first part is the theoretical explanation of the related concepts. This part focuses on the cultural and cultural diversity, the meaning and characteristics of personality and moral personality, and gives a brief analysis of the structure, function and formation mechanism of moral personality, which lays a solid theoretical foundation for the research of the later thesis.
The second part is the influence of cultural diversity on the moral personality of college students. This part is a brief discussion of the present situation of the moral personality of contemporary college students, and focuses on the analysis of the existing problems in the moral personality of the college students, such as the negative and indifference of the social moral emotion, the group dependence of the moral will, and the self moral recognition. The disjunction of knowledge and behavior and the instability of moral behavior, and then discuss the dual influence of cultural diversity on College Students' moral personality, that is, the positive influence on the knowledge theory and the subjective consciousness of college students, and the influence on the moral quality and moral education of college students, reflecting the rational use of multicultural shadow. The importance of shaping the good moral personality of college students.
The third part is the expectation and significance of shaping the moral personality of contemporary college students. The expectation of the molding of College Students' moral personality mainly includes two aspects of the goal and content, which include the perfection and promotion of moral psychology, moral needs, moral choice ability, moral behavior habits and so on, and the goals are interacted and coordinated. It has the characteristics of the coexistence of reality and transcendence; the content of the moral personality of contemporary college students is based on the important theoretical basis of Marx's theory of the free and comprehensive development of human beings. It combines the reality of China's reform and opening up and socialist modernization and the cultural diversity, and the diversity of values in the social background. Summed up, including the love of the party patriotic, good faith and friendly, self-improvement, innovation, comprehensive development and other five parts. Finally, three points summed up the significance of the molding of moral personality of college students, that is in line with the requirements of the development of the times, in line with the requirements of Chinese citizens' moral construction and the requirements of the comprehensive development of college students.
The basic strategy of the moral personality molding of college students in the fourth part of cultural diversity is the core content of the thesis. After defining the goals and contents of the shaping of contemporary college students' moral personality, a brief discussion is made on the background of the age background of the formation and development of the moral personality of college students, the pluralism of cultural diversity and the pluralism of ideological values. The two basic ways of moral personality molding of college students, namely moral education and moral cultivation, are described with these two ways as an axis. From different angles, four kinds of concrete Shi Celve, which are suitable for the shaping of good moral personality of college students, are expounded from different angles, which are beneficial to the advanced culture of socialism. The leading role of College Students' moral personality molding, play the role of moral education in college students' moral personality molding, strengthen the role of the good campus culture environment on the molding of College Students' moral personality and enhance the level of College Students' moral personality self-cultivation, and carry out a specific analysis of each basic strategy.
In a word, as the rule of personality in the moral category, the moral personality of college students is the organic combination of the specific moral cognition, moral emotion, moral will, moral belief and moral habit of the college students. It is the comprehensive expression of the inner moral quality and the external moral practice. The moral personality of the former college students is generally positive when the moral personality of the former college students is generally positive. Development trend, but there are still some problems that can not be ignored. As an important factor affecting the moral personality of college students, we should attach importance to the cultural generation of College Students' moral personality, adhere to the dialectical attitude to deal with the impact and influence of the cultural diversity of the present times, take the essence to its dross, and promote the effective strategies by making and implementing the effective strategies. The shaping and development of College Students' moral personality.


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