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发布时间:2018-06-10 04:18

  本文选题:留学服务 + 留学市场 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,我国留学市场蓬勃发展,在世界留学市场中所占的份额越来越大。伴随着留学市场的发展,留学服务的需求日益增加,留学服务的作用备受关注。发展好留学服务,可以正确引导留学市场的方向,为留学市场的发展保驾护航。增强留学服务的实力,可以提高我国留学市场的竞争力,为我国参与国际教育服务贸易打下坚实基础。本文以政府留学服务机构为主体,对目标公众进行分类和分析。笔者结合工作中的实际情况,,对各类目标公众进行调查、访谈和数据采集,分析他们与政府留学服务机构的关系,发现留学服务过程中存在的问题,剖析问题产生的原因,提出了改进政府留学服务机构与目标公众关系的思路和方法。 本文主要分为四个部分。第一部分是对政府留学服务机构和目标公众的基本界定,包括政府留学服务机构的职能和目标公众的划分。笔者首先分析了我国留学服务的现状和出现的问题,其次介绍了政府留学服务机构的职能范围,再根据服务对象的价值需求划分了三类目标公众:留学人员、留学中介和国外院校,再进一步分析政府留学服务机构与三类目标公众之间的关系 第二部分主要分析了政府留学服务机构与三类目标公众的关系中出现的问题。通过各种留学案例分析,发现政府留学服务机构对留学人员的前期咨询忽略心理指导,缺乏学习情况跟踪机制,对留学归国人员的安排能力有待提高。与留学中介的关系流于表面,制定的政策落实不到位,监管机制不健全。对于国外院校,政府留学服务机构的信息收集工作滞后,信息管理不及时,给双方的交流带来一定阻碍。 第三部分从政府留学服务机构的服务观念、服务制度和服务方式三方面解释了上述问题。首先笔者从“官本位”的角度出发分析了留学服务中的观念问题,又从政府留学服务人员的责任感、使命感和工作态度的角度进行说明。对于服务制度方面的原因是从制度产生的过程方面探讨的,从留学制度的前期调研、设立、运行到后期的调整和发展,都存在一定的缺陷。在服务方式方面,笔者根据现实情况进行了总结,留学服务方式单一、针对性差和没有适应市场化需求是主要原因。 第四部分笔者针对我国政府留学服务机构中出现的问题,提出了解决的思路和一系列办法。首先从内因和外因两方面,提出了更新留学服务观念,提高留学服务意识。再引入“以人为本”的理念,从加强监管的角度,设计完善留学服务制度和优化留学服务流程的方案。最后建议变被动服务为主动服务,变短线服务为延续服务,分别探讨了处理与三类目标公众的关系,提出改进服务方式,提高服务水平。
[Abstract]:In recent years, our country studies abroad the market to develop vigorously, the share which occupies in the world study abroad market is bigger and bigger. With the development of study abroad market, the demand of study abroad service is increasing day by day. The development of good study abroad service, can guide the direction of the overseas study market, for the development of the overseas study market escort. Strengthening the strength of studying abroad service can enhance the competitiveness of our country's study abroad market and lay a solid foundation for our country to participate in international education service trade. This article takes the government study abroad service organization as the main body, carries on the classification and the analysis to the target public. Combined with the actual situation in the work, the author investigates, interviews and data collection of all kinds of target public, analyzes their relationship with the government study abroad service organizations, finds out the problems existing in the process of studying abroad service, and analyzes the causes of the problems. This paper puts forward some ideas and methods to improve the relationship between government study abroad service institutions and the target public. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is the basic definition of the government study abroad service organization and the target public, including the function of the government study abroad service organization and the division of the target public. The author first analyzes the present situation and problems of the study abroad service in our country, then introduces the function scope of the government study abroad service organization, then divides three kinds of target public according to the value demand of the service object: the studying abroad student, The second part mainly analyzes the problems in the relationship between government study abroad service agencies and the three kinds of target public. Through the analysis of various cases of studying abroad, it is found that the government study abroad service institutions neglect psychological guidance in the early stage of counseling for overseas students, lack of learning tracking mechanism, and the ability to arrange the returned students needs to be improved. The relationship with the agent is superficial, the policy is not in place, and the supervision mechanism is not perfect. For foreign colleges and universities, the information collection of government study abroad service institutions lags behind, and the information management is not timely, which brings some obstacles to the communication between the two sides. The third part starts with the service concept of the government study abroad service agencies. Three aspects of service system and service mode explain the above problems. At first, the author analyzes the concept of studying abroad service from the angle of "official standard", and explains it from the angle of the sense of responsibility, the sense of mission and the work attitude of the government study abroad service personnel. The reasons for the service system are discussed from the process of the system, and there are some defects in the early investigation, establishment, operation and adjustment and development of the study abroad system. In the aspect of service mode, the author sums up according to the actual situation, the main reason is that the service mode of studying abroad is single, the pertinence is poor and does not adapt to the market demand. The fourth part, the author aims at the problems that appear in the service organization of our government study abroad. The ideas and a series of solutions are put forward. First of all, from the internal and external causes, the paper puts forward to renew the concept of study abroad service and improve the service consciousness of study abroad. Then introduce the idea of "people-oriented", from the point of view of strengthening supervision, design and perfect the study abroad service system and optimize the study abroad service flow. Finally, it is suggested that the passive service should be changed into the active service, and the short-time service should be changed into the continuation service. The relationship between the processing and the three kinds of target public is discussed, and the improvement of the service mode and the service level are put forward.


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