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发布时间:2018-06-13 09:01

  本文选题:网络 + 政治参与 ; 参考:《燕山大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:网络时代的到来,使得人们的政治生活发生了重大变革。随着网络政治的蓬勃发展,网络已成为人们参与政治生活的重要平台。尤其对于思想活跃、易于接受新鲜事物的大学生群体而言,网络已成为备受青睐的参政途径之一。 目前,大学生群体已成为我国网络参政主体的主要组成部分。但是,由于大学生正处于一个人生观、价值观、世界观还未最终形成的阶段,其心理不够成熟,自身的政治素质也并不完善,所以大学生在网络化条件下的参政活动存在的问题正日渐显现。主要表现为大学生网络参政活动强功利性、失序性、失范性、非理性等,,这对整个网络政治环境都产生了负面影响。此外,除去客观的网络政治环境因素,从大学生主体的主观政治素质来分析,可以发现,网络化条件下,大学生政治理性的缺失是导致问题出现的一大缘由。因而,健全的政治理性是大学生有序、有效的网络参政活动的前提保障。 本学位论文就是从网络政治这一背景出发,以大学生网络政治参与为视角,发现问题,并最终以大学生的网络政治理性为落脚点,提出对策。论文分五个部分:第一部分为绪论,对选题背景及意义,课题的研究方法做出描述,并介绍有关该课题的国内外研究现状,同时对本课题的研究方法及创新点做出概述;第二部分对政治理性的基本理论知识进行梳理,并对网络政治理性提出见解;第三部分对大学生网络政治理性的建构意义进行分析;第四部分集中研究网络本身对大学生政治理性的冲击及其表现;第五部分阐述了大学生网络政治理性建构的途径。
[Abstract]:With the advent of the network age, great changes have taken place in people's political life. With the vigorous development of network politics, network has become an important platform for people to participate in political life. Especially for the college students who are active and receptive to new things, the network has become one of the most popular ways to participate in politics. At present, the group of college students has become the main part of the main body of network participation in politics in our country. However, because college students are at a stage where their outlook on life, values and world outlook are not yet finally formed, their psychology is not mature enough, and their own political quality is not perfect. Therefore, the problems of college students participating in politics under the condition of network are becoming more and more obvious. It mainly shows that college students' network participation in politics is of strong utilitarianism, disorder, irrationality and so on, which has a negative impact on the whole network political environment. In addition, apart from the objective network political environment factors and from the subjective political quality of college students, it can be found that the lack of political rationality of college students is a major reason for the emergence of problems. Therefore, sound political rationality is the premise of orderly and effective network participation. Based on the background of network politics, this thesis finds out the problems from the perspective of college students' participation in network politics, and finally puts forward some countermeasures based on the rationality of college students' network politics. The thesis is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, describes the background and significance of the topic, the research methods of the topic, and introduces the domestic and foreign research status of the topic, and summarizes the research methods and innovations of this topic; The second part combs the basic theory knowledge of the political rationality and puts forward the opinion to the network political rationality the third part analyzes the significance of the construction of the network political rationality of the university students. The fourth part focuses on the impact of the network itself on the political rationality of college students and its performance, and the fifth part expounds the ways of constructing the political rationality of the network of college students.


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