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发布时间:2018-06-13 09:11

  本文选题:高校德育 + 社会环境 ; 参考:《河南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:人是自然性和社会性相统一的物种,社会属性作为人的显著特征,必然会受到社会环境各因素的制约和影响。高校德育作为对大学生进行道德教育的活动,也总是在一定环境下进行的,高校应该站在时代的前沿,对于“人的品德是环境熏陶和磨砺的结果”这一事实不应采取回避态度,而是应该做出积极的回应。所以,本文根据社会环境对高校德育影响空间的大小以及作用范围为标准将影响高校德育的社会环境分为:宏观系统——社会经济、政治和社会文化;中观系统——大众传媒和家庭;微观系统——大学生自身。文章从四个方面来分别进行分析: 第一部分,是本文的综述部分,叙述了问题的缘起,研究目的及意义,介绍了国内外相关研究现状及研究思路和方法等。 第二部分,是相关概念的界定。在解释核心概念的基础上,通过对社会环境的特征进行分析,,发掘出其对高校德育所能带来影响的效应和作用空间,为进一步探讨社会环境对高校德育影响分析作好铺垫。 第三部分,社会各环境因素对高校德育影响进行分析。本部分首先从社会政治、经济因素给高校德育影响进行分析;然后对社会文化方面进行分析;最后从家庭、媒体和大学生自身方面分别进行了分析研究。 第四部分,在马克思主义德育环境论观照下,提出了高校德育社会环境优化的时代建构。分别从方法的创新、环境的营造、理念的创设和内容的建构等几个方面入手,针对各个方面按点击破,对各个影响因素提出了优化路径和措施。
[Abstract]:Man is a unified species of nature and sociality. As a remarkable characteristic of human being, social attribute is bound to be restricted and influenced by various factors of social environment. Moral education in colleges and universities, as an activity of moral education for college students, is always carried out under certain circumstances. Colleges and universities should stand at the forefront of the times, and should not take an evasive attitude towards the fact that "the moral character of human beings is the result of environment edification and sharpening". Instead, there should be a positive response. Therefore, according to the influence of social environment on moral education in colleges and universities, the social environment is divided into macro system-social economy, politics and social culture. Medium system-mass media and family; micro-system-college students themselves. The article is analyzed from four aspects: the first part is the summary part of this paper, narrates the origin of the problem, the purpose and significance of the research, and introduces the domestic and foreign related research status, research ideas and methods, etc. The second part is the definition of related concepts. On the basis of explaining the core concept, this paper analyzes the characteristics of social environment, finds out the effect and space of its influence on moral education in colleges and universities, and paves the way for further exploring the influence of social environment on moral education in colleges and universities. The third part analyzes the influence of social environmental factors on moral education in colleges and universities. This part first analyzes the influence of social political and economic factors on moral education in colleges and universities; then analyzes the social and cultural aspects; finally analyzes and studies the family, media and college students themselves. The fourth part, under the Marxism moral education environment view, proposed the university moral education social environment optimization time construction. Starting with the innovation of methods, the construction of environment, the creation of ideas and the construction of contents, the paper puts forward the optimized path and measures for each influencing factor according to the click-through of each aspect.


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