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发布时间:2018-06-13 10:16

  本文选题:国家助学贷款政策执行 + 高等教育 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:党的十八大要求进一步坚持教育优先发展,切实为教育事业的科学发展提供条件保障,促进高等教育的发展,实现教育公平,推动学有所教取得新进展,保证科教兴国战略和人才强国战略的顺利实施。为了实现教育公平和提高教育质量,必须做好学生资助工作,因此国家助学贷款政策就成了一个值得研究的课题。 国家助学贷款政策自1999年推行以来,受到党、政府的高度重视和社会各界的关注,一定程度上缓解了家庭经济贫困学生进入高等学府难的矛盾,帮助他们圆了大学梦,取得了一定成效,但是在实施过程中,也遭遇了梗阻,产生许多问题。本文从公共政策的理论视角出发,阐述了国家助学贷款政策的内涵、政策的变迁及作用,着重以实证法、文献法分析了国家助学贷款政策自身存在的不足以及执行中产生的问题,剖析问题产生的原因,进而对完善国家助学贷款政策提出了对策和建议。具体包括:政策利益主体(政府、银行、高校、学生)的相互配合,形成合力;逐步完善国家助学贷款政策自身的构成要素;日益优化国家助学贷款政策的外部环境,为国家助学贷款政策的顺利实施提供保障。
[Abstract]:The 18th National Congress of the Party called for further adherence to the priority development of education, the provision of conditions for the scientific development of educational undertakings, the promotion of the development of higher education, the realization of educational equity, and the promotion of new progress in learning and teaching. To ensure the smooth implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and the strategy of strengthening the country by talents. In order to realize the equality of education and improve the quality of education, it is necessary to do a good job of student aid, so the policy of national student loan has become a subject worth studying. Since the implementation of the national student loan policy in 1999, the party and the government have attached great importance to it and all circles of society have paid close attention to it. To a certain extent, the contradiction of the difficulties faced by poor family students in entering higher education institutions has been alleviated, and the university dream has been fulfilled for them. Achieved some results, but in the implementation process, also encountered obstruction, resulting in many problems. From the theoretical perspective of public policy, this paper expounds the connotation, changes and functions of the national student loan policy, with emphasis on the empirical method. This paper analyzes the shortcomings of the national student loan policy and the problems in its implementation, analyzes the causes of the problems, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the improvement of the national student loan policy. It includes: the cooperation of policy stakeholders (government, banks, colleges and universities, students), the gradual improvement of the constituent elements of the national student loan policy, the improvement of the external environment of the national student loan policy, and the improvement of the external environment of the national student loan policy. To provide the guarantee for the smooth implementation of the national student loan policy.


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