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发布时间:2018-06-18 14:43

  本文选题:文化 + 大学校园文化 ; 参考:《河南农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:党的十七届六中全会通过了《中共中央关于深化文化体制改革推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》,研究部署深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,进一步兴起社会主义文化建设新高潮。党的十八大报告中则明确指出,扎实推进社会主义文化强国建设,提高国家文化软实力,发挥文化引领风尚、教育人民、服务社会、推动发展的作用。 文化是民族的血脉,,是人民的精神家园。大学校园文化是社会文化的一部分,它既受到社会其他文化的影响,又是社会先进文化的源头。大学校园文化建设,是加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作的重要内容,也是各所高校面临的十分紧迫的任务。面对当前世情、国情、党情的深刻变化,大学校园文化建设出现了一些新的问题和挑战,尤其是在文化的传承和创新方面有所欠缺,影响了大学校园文化的发展。这就需要我们紧紧把握时代脉搏和文化发展的规律,努力探索大学校文化传承与创新的途经,将更加饱满的热情投入到大学校园文化建设中,促进校园文化和社会主义文化的大发展大繁荣,为全面建成小康社会,实现中华民族伟大复兴做出应有的贡献。 鉴于此,本文主要对大学校园文化的传承和创新进行研究,以更好地推动大学校园文化建设。文章共四章: 第一章是文化及大学校园文化的相关理论阐述,主要是对文化、大学校园文化的概念和内涵等基础理论作简要论述。 第二章是传承和创新大学校园文化的必要性和重要性,具体分析了当前大学校园文化传承和创新是校园文化建设的迫切任务和迫切需求以及传承和创新大学校园文化的重要意义。 第三章是当前大学校园文化传承和创新的现状,在归纳和总结大学校园文化传承创新中取得的成绩和面临的问题基础上,分析了当前大学校园文化传承和创新问题产生的原因。 第四章是传承和创新大学校园文化的原则和途径,阐述了大学校园文化传承与创新的关系,指明了在大学校园文化传承和创新中需要坚持的原则,并论述了传承和创新大学校园文化的途经。
[Abstract]:In the sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee adopted the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on several major issues on deepening the reform of cultural system and promoting great development and prosperity of socialist culture. Research and deployment deepen the reform of cultural system, promote the great prosperity of socialist culture, and further rise the new climax of social cultural construction. The eighteen major newspapers of the party It is clearly pointed out that the building of the socialist cultural power, the soft strength of the state culture, the cultural leadership, the education of the people, the service of the society and the role of promoting development are clearly pointed out.
Culture is the blood of the nation and the spiritual home of the people. The campus culture of the university is part of the social culture. It is not only influenced by other cultures, but also the source of the advanced culture of the society. The construction of university campus culture is an important part of strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students, and is also a very tight part of the colleges and universities. In the face of the current situation, national conditions and profound changes in the party's situation, some new problems and challenges have emerged in the construction of university campus culture, especially in the cultural heritage and innovation, which affect the development of university campus culture. This requires us to grasp the laws of the pulse and cultural development of the times and explore universities. Through the way of school culture inheritance and innovation, the more full enthusiasm is put into the construction of campus culture, promoting the development and prosperity of the campus culture and socialist culture, making the due contribution to the completion of a well-off society in an all-round way and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
In view of this, this article mainly carries on the research to the university campus culture inheritance and the innovation, in order to better promote the university campus culture construction. The article altogether four chapters:
The first chapter is the theoretical explanation of culture and university campus culture, which is mainly about the basic theory of culture and the concept and connotation of campus culture.
The second chapter is the necessity and importance of inheriting and innovating university campus culture, and analyzing the current cultural heritage and innovation of the university campus is the urgent task and urgent need of campus culture construction and the significance of inheriting and innovating the campus culture of the University.
The third chapter is the present situation of the cultural inheritance and innovation of the university campus. On the basis of the achievements and problems that have been achieved in the cultural inheritance and innovation of the university campus, the causes of the current problems of the cultural inheritance and innovation of the university campus are analyzed.
The fourth chapter is the principle and way of inheriting and innovating the campus culture of the University, expounds the relationship between the cultural inheritance and innovation of the university campus, points out the principles that should be adhered to in the cultural inheritance and innovation of the university campus, and discusses the ways to inherit and innovate the campus culture of the University.


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