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发布时间:2018-06-18 14:43

  本文选题:信息公开 + 绩效评价 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校信息公开绩效评价是高校信息公开工作的重要组成部分。在2008年5月份实施了《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》之后,我国便普遍展开了政府信息公开工作。虽然高校信息公开工作属于政府信息公开工作的范畴之内,但是高校信息公开工作的真正开展还是在《高等学校信息公开办法》颁布之后。 本文从四个方面对高校信息公开绩效评价进行理论与实践的构建。第一,对高校信息公开以及绩效评价的基础理论进行了梳理。第二,从模糊层次分析法理论基础以及模糊层次分析法应用于高校信息公开绩效评价的可行性对高校信息公开绩效评价中的模糊层次分析法进行分析。第三,从评价指标体系、评价指标的选取、模糊层次分析法模型、模糊综合评价模型这四部分对高校信息公开绩效评价指标体系以及模型进行构建。第四,是对高校信息公开绩效评价模型的实践,即把模型应用到某高校中去,对该高校信息公开的绩效做出评价,,并且提出一些建议。
[Abstract]:The performance evaluation of information disclosure in colleges and universities is an important part of the work of information disclosure in colleges and universities. After the implementation of the regulations of the people's Republic of China on the disclosure of government information in May 2008, the work of government information disclosure was generally carried out in China. Although the work of information disclosure in colleges and universities belongs to the scope of the work of government information publicity, the real development of the work of information disclosure in colleges and universities is still after the promulgation of the measures for Information openness in Colleges and Universities. This article carries on the theory and the practice construction to the university information disclosure performance appraisal from four aspects. First, the basic theory of information disclosure and performance evaluation in colleges and universities is combed. Secondly, from the theoretical basis of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and the feasibility of applying fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to the performance evaluation of information disclosure in colleges and universities, the paper analyzes the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in the performance evaluation of information disclosure in colleges and universities. Third, from the evaluation index system, evaluation index selection, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process model, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of the four parts of the information disclosure performance evaluation index system and model are constructed. Fourth, the practice of the performance evaluation model of information disclosure in colleges and universities, that is, applying the model to a certain university, evaluating the performance of the information disclosure in that university, and putting forward some suggestions.


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