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发布时间:2018-06-20 12:08

  本文选题:大学生 + 责任教育 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会的发展和时代的进步,人才越来越成为推动整个社会前进的重要资源。大学生,作为当代中国社会发展所需各种人才的主要来源和社会主力军,对我们正在致力实现的民族振兴和社会现代化伟业将承担一份义不容辞的时代责任。具有责任担当意识和相应能力是当代大学生思想道德素质中应具有的重要内容;是当代大学生成为合格人才的必然要求,也是当代大学生走向社会、切实地承担起时代所赋予的各种责任的必要准备。加强当代大学生的责任教育,不仅是当代大学生思想品德素质教育的题中内涵,也是弥补当下大学生在责任意识和责任能力上的存在各种不足这一现状的现实必需。 本文共分为四个部分,第一部分,论述责任与大学生责任教育。从责任的内涵出发,引出责任教育。在整合众多学者关于责任教育的研究基础上,概括出当代大学生责任教育的含义及其内容,并通过对大学生责任教育的时代价值的探讨,研究发现,当代大学生责任教育必不可少。 第二部分,结合当代大学生责任教育的概念,,并通过对当代大学生责任意识和责任能力的专题调查发现,大学生的责任意识和责任能力呈现出一些新的特点。如在责任意识方面,重视个人价值实现,但个人责任意识淡化;认识到家庭的重要,但家庭责任意识减弱;注重人际关系交往,但交往趋向功利化等等。如在责任能力方面,具有基本的责任判断能力,但责任认知能力较低;具有简单的测证能力,但责任选择能力较差;具有对他人评判的能力,但自身责任履行能力较弱等等。 第三部分,分析论述当代大学生责任意识与责任能力缺失的原因。究其原因,家庭责任教育的不足、学校责任教育的不足、大学生公民素养的缺失和自我教育的欠缺以及社会多种复杂因素的影响,是造成当代大学生责任意识和责任能力缺失的主要原因。 第四部分,从当代大学生责任教育的现状着手,探索加强当代大学生责任意识与责任能力教育培养的对策。大学生责任教育应坚持以人为本和素质发展的目标、理论与实际结合以及发展性的原则要求,并在原则之上,发挥好家庭在大学生责任教育中的基础性作用,强化高校对大学生的责任教育,优化社会责任教育环境以及充分发挥大学生自身在责任教育中的主观能动性作用。
[Abstract]:With the development of the society and the progress of the times, talents are becoming more and more important resources to push the whole society forward. College students, as the main source and main force of all kinds of talents needed for the development of contemporary Chinese society, will bear an unshirkable responsibility for the great cause of national rejuvenation and social modernization that we are striving to realize. Having the sense of responsibility and corresponding ability is an important content in the ideological and moral quality of contemporary college students, is the inevitable requirement for contemporary college students to become qualified talents, and is also the trend of contemporary college students to the society. The necessary preparation for realistically shouldering the responsibilities entrusted to us by the times. To strengthen the responsibility education of contemporary college students is not only the connotation of the ideological and moral quality education of contemporary college students, but also a realistic necessity to make up for the deficiency of the present university students in the sense of responsibility and the ability of responsibility. This text is divided into four parts altogether, the first part, discuss responsibility and university student responsibility education. Starting from the connotation of responsibility, it leads to responsibility education. On the basis of integrating many scholars' research on responsibility education, this paper generalizes the meaning and content of responsibility education for contemporary college students, and finds out through the discussion of the age value of responsibility education for college students. The responsibility education of contemporary college students is indispensable. The second part, combined with the concept of contemporary college students' responsibility education, and through the special investigation of the contemporary college students' responsibility consciousness and responsibility ability, it is found that the college students' responsibility consciousness and responsibility ability show some new characteristics. For example, in the sense of responsibility, attention is paid to the realization of personal value, but the consciousness of personal responsibility is weakened; the importance of family is recognized, but the consciousness of family responsibility is weakened; the interpersonal relationship is emphasized, but the communication tends to be utilitarian, and so on. For example, in the aspect of responsibility ability, it has the basic ability of judging responsibility, but the ability of cognition of responsibility is low; it has simple ability of testing and proving, but the ability of choosing responsibility is poor; it has the ability to judge others, but the ability of fulfilling its own responsibility is weak, and so on. The third part analyzes the reasons why the contemporary college students lack the sense of responsibility and the ability of responsibility. The reasons are the deficiency of family responsibility education, the deficiency of school responsibility education, the deficiency of college students' civic accomplishment and self-education, and the influence of many complicated social factors. It is the main reason for the loss of responsibility consciousness and ability of contemporary college students. The fourth part, starting from the present situation of responsibility education of contemporary college students, explores the countermeasures to strengthen the education of responsibility consciousness and responsibility ability of contemporary college students. The responsibility education of college students should adhere to the goal of people-oriented and quality development, the combination of theory and practice, as well as the principle of development, and on the basis of the principles, the basic role of family in college students' responsibility education should be brought into full play. We should strengthen the responsibility education of college students, optimize the educational environment of social responsibility and give full play to the subjective initiative of college students in the responsibility education.


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