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发布时间:2018-06-20 15:34

  本文选题:大学生 + 青少年生活事件 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的: 大学生的心理疾患已经成为高校的一种常见病、多发病,这不仅直接影响他们正常的学习、生活,也严重地威胁着学校和社会的安全与稳定。如何针对当代大学生个性心理和现实生活,,了解大学生的人格特质和生活事件的现状,找到大学生的人格特质和生活事件的相关性,提出适合我国大学生人格特点的心理健康教育的模式和方法是十分必要的。本研究通过了解大学生的人格特质和生活事件的状况,探讨人格特质与生活事件之间存在的关系,提出切实有效的建议,以期为高等院校管理者在制定决策时提供参考依据。 方法: 采用调查问卷的形式对吉林省某高校代表不同学科的四个学院在校学生进行调查。一般情况调查表主要包括性别、年龄、专业和年级,心理量表包括青少年生活事件量表和艾森克人格问卷。 应用Microsoft office Excel2007和SPSS15.0软件包进行数据处理和统计分析,使用T检验、方差分析、LSD检验、Spearman等级相关分析等统计分析方法。 结果: 性别不同的大学生在人际关系、学习压力、受惩罚、其他的差异均存在统计学意义(P0.05);年级不同的大学生在人际关系、学习压力、受惩罚的差异均存在统计学意义(P0.05);除了健康适应这一方面外,不同学科门类的大学生在人际关系、学习压力、受惩罚、丧失和其他方面的差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。 性别不同的大学生在内外向、神经质的差异均存在统计学意义(P0.05);年级不同的大学生在内外向、神经质的差异均存在统计学意义(P0.05);除神经质这一方面外,不同学科门类的大学生内外向、精神质、掩饰性的差异均没有统计学意义(P0.05)。 相关分析结果显示,人际关系因子与内外向、神经质、掩饰性的得分均呈正相关关系(p0.05);学习压力因子与内外向、神经质、掩饰性的得分均呈正相关关系(p0.05);受惩罚因子与神经质、精神质、掩饰性的得分均呈正相关关系(p0.05);丧失因子与神经质的得分呈正相关关系(p 0.05);健康适应因子与神经质、精神质、掩饰性的得分均呈正相关关系(p 0.05);其他因子与内外向、神经质、精神质、掩饰性的得分均呈正相关关系(p 0.05)。 结论: 1.男性学生更易于受到人际关系、学习压力、受惩罚和其他这些因子的影响。 2.一年级学生在人际交往、学习压力方面受到的影响要小于其他年级。 3.工科学生的神经质得分低于其他学科学生。 4.医科学生和工科学生对人际关系、学习压力、受惩罚和丧失这四个因子的应激程度大于其他学科学生。 5.大学生生活事件与人格特质之间存在相关关系。
[Abstract]:Objective: psychological disorders of college students have become a common disease in colleges and universities, which not only directly affect their normal study and life, but also seriously threaten the safety and stability of school and society. How to understand the status quo of college students' personality traits and life events, and find out the correlation between college students' personality traits and life events, according to the contemporary college students' personality psychology and real life. It is necessary to put forward the mode and method of mental health education suitable for the personality characteristics of college students in our country. This study explores the relationship between personality traits and life events and puts forward practical and effective suggestions in order to provide references for university administrators in making decisions. Methods: a questionnaire was used to investigate the students of four colleges representing different subjects in a certain university in Jilin province. The general questionnaire includes gender, age, major and grade, and psychological scale includes adolescent life event scale and Eysenck personality questionnaire. Microsoft office Excel 2007 and SPSS 15.0 were used for data processing and statistical analysis, T test, ANOVA and Spearman rank correlation analysis were used. Results: there were significant differences in interpersonal relationship, learning pressure, punishment, and other differences among students of different genders (P 0.05). The difference of punishment was statistically significant, except for health adaptation, there were significant differences in interpersonal relationship, learning pressure, punishment, loss and other aspects among different subjects. There were significant differences in neuroticism between male and female college students in both internal and external directions, and there were significant differences in neuroticism between different grades of college students in internal and external directions. There was no significant difference in introversion, psychoticism and concealment of college students in different disciplines. The results of correlation analysis showed that the scores of interpersonal relationship factors and introversion, neuroticism and concealment were all positively correlated with the scores of internal and external, neurotic and camouflage, and the scores of learning stress were positively correlated with the scores of introversion and extroversion, neuroticism and concealment, and the scores of learning stress were positively correlated with those of introversion and extroversion. The scores of penalized factors and neuroticism, psychoticism and concealment were all positively correlated with the scores of neuroticism, neuroticism and neuroticism. The scores of concealment were positively correlated with the scores of introversion and extroversion, neuroticism, psychoticism and concealment. Conclusion: 1. Male students are more susceptible to interpersonal relationships, learning stress, punishment and other factors. 2. First grade students in interpersonal communication, learning stress is less affected than the other grades. 3. The neuroticism score of engineering students is lower than that of other subjects. 4. The stress degree of medical students and engineering students on interpersonal relationship, learning stress, punishment and loss of these four factors was higher than that of other subjects. 5. 5. There is a correlation between college students' life events and personality traits.


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