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发布时间:2018-06-22 05:20

  本文选题:成教大学生 + 公民 ; 参考:《长沙理工大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Civic morality is an important component of life values and plays an important role in the long-term and lasting development of society and individuals. But in recent years, there have been a lot of moral decline in society, and social atmosphere has also been affected to a certain extent. With the continuous improvement of the national education system and the promotion of the concept of "lifelong education", the number of college students in adult education is also increasing dramatically. In this complex social situation, the problem of adult college students' civic morality has become a problem we think about. This topic takes the adult education university student as the main research object, unifies this group special body and mind development rule to further understand their citizen morals view by the questionnaire form. This paper begins with the literature research on the citizen morality of adult college students, through reading a large number of books and documents, writing a literature review, expounds the research significance and research methods of this topic, in order to further explain this topic, The related concepts such as citizen and citizen morality are defined, and the main content and value demand of citizen morality are analyzed. Then through organizing and carrying out the precise investigation and combining with the investigation data to analyze the status quo of the adult college students' civic morality: the positive civic morality has good faith and follows the order to act boldly and to love the environment; The main problems are: social responsibility needs to be strengthened, moral awareness needs to be improved, and moral cognition is different from moral behavior. Finally, according to the problems analyzed in the empirical research, the relevant ethical countermeasures are proposed to deal with the moral problems of adult college students. In particular, the government should create a good moral environment and perfect the mechanism of moral education; schools should renew the concept of moral education and innovate the mode of moral education; students should attach importance to practice and strengthen self-reflection.


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7 任O寡,




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